Prayer Requests

Roman Catholic Womenpriests are called to many different ministries.  The ministry of intercessory prayer for others is a ministry we can offer to you, a pilgrim visitor to our website.

If you would like for our prayers to be offered on your behalf or for someone you know, please leave your prayer request at:


Your request will be sacredly held in prayer by our prayer ministry for forty days. At that time you may wish to share with us the story of how you feel your prayer has been answered by writing to:

All prayer requests and stories of answered prayers are held in confidence by our prayer ministry and will not be posted for viewing on this website. God’s timing and human timing are not the same.  If you would like us to continue to pray for your prayer request please re-contact us at:

Prayer Request Form

15 + 9 =


For current news and articles related to the women’s ordination movement and renewal of the Catholic Church, please visit our Facebook, Twitter and Bridget Mary’s Blog. Bridget Mary’s Blog and the Association of Roman Catholic Womenpriests operate independently of Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, Inc. This third party blog is for informational purposes only. For semi-monthly news relating to the RCWP in Canada see RCWP Canada’s publication, The Review, at

This website was created and is maintained by Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, Inc. (RCWP-USA, Inc.), a California 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation, as an educational and informational service to the public. RCWP-USA, Inc. promotes and supports the ordination of women and men in a renewed priestly ministry in the Roman Catholic Church. This website provides information about RCWP worldwide, with special focus on RCWP in the USA. Every ministry convened by a RCWP member operates separately and independently from Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, Inc. RCWP-USA, Inc. disclaims any responsibility for the operation of these ministries. The biographical information and descriptions of the ministries are for informational purposes only. This website also contains links to third party sites. Such links do not constitute or imply an endorsement and/or sponsorship by RCWP-USA, Inc. RCWP-USA, Inc. is not responsible for such third party websites and is not liable for the contents therein.