Meet the Ordained
The mission of the RCWP movement is to prepare, ordain in apostolic succession and support primarily women who are called to the priesthood in an inclusive Church rooted in justice and faithfulness to the Gospel.
Statement of Apostolic Succession
The ordinations of Roman Catholic Womenpriests are valid because of our apostolic succession within the Roman Catholic Church. The principal consecrating Roman Catholic male bishops who ordained our first women bishops are bishops with apostolic succession within the Roman Catholic Church. Therefore, our bishops validly ordain deacons, priests and bishops. Consequently, all qualified candidates, including baptized ministers and priests from other Christian traditions, who are presented to our bishops for ordination are ordained by the laying on of hands in apostolic succession in the Roman Catholic Church.

Meet the Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, Inc. Members
Deacons |
Dan Frachey |
Associate and Support Members |
Kim Griggs |
Lisa Gosiaco |
Nancy Wilson |
Meet the Association of Roman Catholic
Women Priests Members (ARCWP)
Support Members |
Kay Akers |
Joan Chesterfield |
Mary Jones |
Joan Pesce |
Meet the Roman Catholic Women Priests Canada Members
Support Members |
Pat Forrest |
Jane Oxenbury |
Leslie Robinson |
Vincent Hanlon |
Danielle Whissell (retired) |
In Memoriam |
Patricia Cook (RIP 2022) |
Ruth Wasylenko |
Meet the Roman Catholic Women Priests Europe Members
Priests |
Geneviève Beney (France) |
Myra Brown (lives in New York) |
Olivia Diehl (Philippines) |
Judith Gigl (Germany) |
Christine M. Hassenstab (Norway) |
Morag Liebert (Scotland) |
Martin McManus (England) |
Roberta Meehan (lives in Arizona) |
Deacons |
Catacomb Deacon (Austria) |
Regina Ladewig (Germany) |
In Memoriam |
Iris Muller |
Adelinde Roitinger |
Viktoria Sperrer |
Denise Bernt - Sutton
Denise Bernt. I was not raised Catholic but had very strong ties growing up in the Presbyterian Church. A move to Alaska and the need for me to assist with my music abilities and guitar at a Dominican Brothers mission at the local Catholic Church, opened the door and awakened in me gradually my call to priesthood. As I grew to learn and love more about the Catholic Church and the Sacraments, I became very involved in my parish not only with music ministry but on the pastoral council and liturgy committees. When in Alaska and due to the priest shortages there, Bishop Michael Kinney was looking for people to lead the local parishes for weeks on end when we would be without a priest. When he asked me to consider being one of those people I hesitated because I saw myself as just a convert and someone who used her gift of music at Mass. Now as I look back to the late 1980s, he was truly calling me to priesthood, and I’m delighted to say that his prophetic voice came to fruition on September 10th 2022 when I was ordained a Roman Catholic woman priest. After years in Oregon, raising our family of six kids and now 18 grandchildren and one great grandchild with my husband, Larry, we have now moved back to Alaska. I believe my music ministry, will again be the open-door gift to developing a new faith community here. May the Divine One bless the work of our hands to serve. |
Nick De Los Reyes - Tucson
Rose Marie Hudson - Sedona
Rose Marie (Ree) Hudson has many years of ministerial experience beginning in the Methodist Church and continuing in the Roman Catholic Church. Ree has theology degrees from Scarritt College for Christian Workers, was certified in Pastoral ministries by the Archdiocese of St. Louis, and received a Masters of Pastoral Studies from Loyola of New Orleans. Ree was the regional administrator of the Great Waters Region in RCWP. She is a certified minister in the Federation of Christian Ministries, a member of CTA-USA, of WOC, and is involved with women’s groups and ecumenical groups. She can be contacted at |
Barbara Mattus - Tucson
Barbara Mattus first heard the call to priesthood at age nine. Her spiritual journey began at even a younger age through a profound attraction to the Liturgy and especially to the Eucharist. This desire only deepened through many years of questioning and longing for a relationship with Jesus. Barb was ready to enter a religious community of sisters in 1959 but it just didn’t seem like the right ‘fit” so she delayed entering the convent. Later, she married in 1962 and she and her husband entered the world of the United States Air Force, started their family with two wonderful and caring children, and lived mostly in the Western USA. Barb became involved in religious ed in 1967 when she began ministering in the military chapel youth program. She has spent almost a lifetime of travel. She holds a B.A. Degree in Theology and a Master’s Degrees in Religious Education with a focus on Christian Spirituality and Counseling. She continued as the Diocesan Director of Religious Education and as a Catholic Youth Worker at an Arizona detention center near Tucson and over 28 yrs. as Director of Detention Ministry for the Diocese of Tucson. Her current ministry is in Tucson, AZ, where she presides at a monthly gathering with the “Mary of Magdala Inclusive Catholic Community.” Contact: |
Marilyn Van Veersen - Tucson
Marilyn Van Veersen lives in Tucson, Arizona with her life partner, Bren. Marilyn was ordained in Santa Barbara, California in 2008. Marilyn’s primary ministry is care for the many creatures that have been discarded by others. She reports that her ministry is rooted in the belief that “God is Life.” |
Nancy Corran - Eureka
Nancy CorranPriest 2010 |
Nancy Corran holds a Diploma in Theology from Oxford University and a Master of Divinity (MDiv) from San Francisco Theological Seminary of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. She received scholarships to continue studies in biblical languages at the GTU and to continue theological and pastoral formation at the Université de Neuchâtel in Switzerland. Certified for Ordination by the PC(USA) in 2004, Nancy has worked in many churches with children, youth, and adults. She served Mary Magdalene Apostle Catholic Community (founded and convened in 2005 by two RCWPs) in San Diego, CA from 2007-2016. Nancy was ordained a Roman Catholic woman priest in 2010 and incardinated into RCWP in 2015. Nancy is married with two young children, and currently resides in Omaha, NE. |
Olivia Doko (retired) - Pismo Beach
Olivia Doko Priest 2006
Olivia Doko, MA, OSB, Cam. Oblate, is the founder and director of Olive Tree Ministries through which she provides spiritual retreats and workshops. She has a private Holy Listening practice, offering directed retreats and spiritual direction, with a focus on contemplative prayer, to individuals and small groups. Qualified as a pastoral consultant through Loyola University, New Orleans, Olivia holds an MA in Theology (with an emphasis in Adult Christian Community Development) from Regis University, Denver. She has served the Western Region of RCWP-USA as Administrator, Program Coordinator and Bishop. Currently retired as Presiding Bishop, she continues to be an active member of her region. She and her husband, Slavo, have been married 56 years. They have two sons and three grandsons. Email: |
Suzanne Dunn - Carpinteria
Suzanne Dunn, SFCC (Sister for Christian Community) is Pastor Emerita of the Catholic Church of the Beatitudes. Suzanne leads a contemplative Eucharist on the second Saturdays of each month. Suzanne was ordained a deacon on April 27, 2008 and a Roman Catholic Woman Priest on September 7, 2008. Currently, Suzanne serves as a spiritual director, and as a co-facilitator of the Santa Barbara/Ventura Chapter of the Contemplative Ministry Outreach. She is a trained presenter of the Introductory Workshop in Centering Prayer and conducts Silent Saturdays and three and five day retreats in Centering Prayer. Suzanne holds an MA in Religious Studies from Seattle University and a Ph.D in Clinical Psychology from The Fielding University. She continues to involve herself in the various ministries of the Beatitudes Community and is currently serving as a member of the National Compassionate Circle of RCWP. |
Maria Eitz - San Francisco
Maria Eitz was ordained a Roman Catholic Woman Priest in 2013 in San Francisco. Born in Germany during World War ll, Maria emigrated to the United States in 1963. Being called to the priesthood, according to Maria, is “a challenge, an honor, a mission , a responsibility; it is speaking for all the women throughout history who were denied by the institutional church, the hierarchy, to serve at the Table of God.” Maria converted to Catholicism as an adult after Vatican ll, that “wonderful awakening” as Maria calls it. She earned a Masters in Theology at Marquette University in Milwaukee, a Catholic Jesuit institution. Two Jesuit theologians influenced Maria deeply, Karl Rahner and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Maria was called to the priesthood out of her worship community Sophia in Trinity in San Francisco. Click here to learn more about Sophia in Trinity: |
Christine Fahrenbach - Santa Cruz
Christine Fahrenbach Educated at the University of Notre Dame, the Jesuit School of Theology Berkeley and the California School of Professional Psychology, Christine Fahrenbach has participated in ministry for over 30 years, and is a practicing professional psychologist. She has worked as a campus minister, high school religious studies teacher, liturgist, liturgical musician and spiritual director. Chris provides leadership for a house church in Santa Cruz, CA and participates in social justice and homeless ministry through a local parish. She continues to weave together the common threads of psychology, theology and spirituality in all aspects of her work. Chris and her life partner Helen Mayer, were married in 2007 and make their home in Aptos CA. |
Christine Haider-Winnett - Davis
Christine Haider-Winnett holds a Masters in Divinity from Pacific School of Religion, a BA in Peace and Global Studies from Earlham College and a Certificate in Women’s Studies in Religion from the Graduate Theological Union. She is a former Co-President of the Women’s Ordination Conference and currently serves as Communications Manager for Call To Action. She also presides, preaches and offers spiritual direction throughout Northern California and online. Christine lives in the Sacramento area with her spouse, toddler, and two cats. To contact her or learn more about how she lives out her priestly ministry, go to |
Karla Jensen - Napa Valley
I live in the beautiful Napa with my wife Gloria. We have lived together for 38 years. In 2013 we were married in the sanctuary of Grace Episcopal, in St. Helena. It was also the church where in January 20,2024 I was ordained a priest . I have had several careers: Licensed Nursed with the Army, senior Human Resources Specialist, and college instructor. Notice the pattern of service which has guide my journey. My education includes Bachelor of History, MBA, and Doctor of Education. I just love to learn. For as long as I can remember I desired to a priest. That spark never died and thankfully, several years ago I was accepted as a candidate in the Roman Catholic Womenpriests organization. I look back at all the people and events and life and know that Wisdom Sophia nudged in the direction towards fulling my dreams. |
Kathleen Kunster - Santa Rosa
Kathleen Kunster, M.Div., M.A., Psy.D., was ordained a priest in Pittsburgh in 2005, having been called to priesthood as a child. She lived in the greater Los Angeles Area in California most of her life. She served in her local parish as an adult and began an M.A. in Ministry at Loyola Marymount, Los Angeles. Kathleen moved to Berkeley in 1995 to earn her Master of Divinity at the Franciscan School of Theology, GTU. She then earned a doctorate in clinical psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco. She has served as a priest in a small house church. Kathleen now serves as a licensed psychologist (CA) in a rural community mental health clinic, and in private practice. Her priestly ministry is interwoven into sessions with clients. Kathleen delights in her daughter, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Kathleen can be reached at |
Jeannette Love - Carpinteria
Jeannette Bertalan Love was ordained a deacon on Aug 28, 2010 and a Roman Catholic Womanpriest on September 12, 2010. During her years of study as a religious sister for nineteen years she has been trained in theology and in addition studied a year of theology at Immaculate Conception Seminary, Darlington School of Theology in New Jersey. She was previously ordained in the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch (not under Rome) and served the Archbishops and the development of the Church for eleven years. Jeannette attended the University of Creation Spirituality founded by Matthew Fox in Oakland, CA where she received a Masters degree awarded by Naropa University in Boulder, CO. At present Jeannette is the Pastor serving the Catholic Church of the Beatitudes in Santa Barbara. She also offers spiritual direction, facilitates a weekly Centering Prayer Group, does volunteer work with the Beatitudes community and is commissioned to give the Centering Prayer introductory workshop. Jeannette resides in Carpinteria, CA. Visit us at: |
Maureen Mancuso - San Ramon
Maureen Mancuso received her M.Div. from the Jesuit School of Theology at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. In addition she holds a teaching credential in English and is working on her Ph.D. in World Religions. Maureen felt called to priesthood at an early age though she tended to dismiss the idea, for as a cradle Catholic it seemed an improbable path. Active in parish ministry as parish council president, a member of peace and justice, a musician and a member of the St. Vincent DePaul society the call to priestly ordination was re-illuminated. Maureen has been the Director of RCIA, a hospital chaplain, a retreat director, liturgist, and has lead workshops at the diocesan and national levels. As a Christian feminist Maureen actively supports equality for women in the Roman Catholic Church and is a member of CTA, WOC, and the Women of Magdala. Presently, Maureen teaches high school English full-time. In addition she continues with her PhD studies. The focus of her research for her dissertation is an interfaith exploration of religious empowerment of women in the Abrahamic tradition. Currently she pastors the St. Hildegard Catholic Community in Berkeley, California. |
Rosa G. Manriquez - Los Angeles
Rosa G. Manriquez, IHM, IHM is a mother and grandmother, a member of the Immaculate Heart Community, a Roman Catholic deacon and a candidate for priestly ordination through Roman Catholic Womenpriests. She is a member of MountainTop, a multifaith movement for justice sponsored by Auburn Theological Seminary. Rosa is a member of the Vision Board of Call to Action and also a speaker for A La Familia, a project of the Human Rights Campaign that promotes the inclusion of the LGBT community within the Latino community. |
Mary Alice Nolan - San Rafael
Mary Alice Nolan, is the 4th child of six, raised in Denver Colorado and educated by the Sisters of Loretto. Attending daily Mass she was frustrated by not being able to serve as an acolyte and being relegated to the choir loft to play the organ. She felt keenly the denial to serve at the Table of God. Attending the movie Pink Smoke Over the Vatican with her husband was a defining moment where she realized that women were being ordained as Roman Catholic priests. She enrolled in the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley to complete her graduate seminary degree side-by-side with her Jesuit classmates who were also pursuing the priesthood. She was ordained in 2016 in San Francisco. She has worked as an Oncology nurse manager for most of her career. Her ministry includes not only end of life care, but, the opportunity to officiate at weddings and celebrate baptisms. She is co-presider with Rev. Maria Eitz at Sophia in Trinity in San Francisco, CA. Mary Alice is an avid rower and her other joys are collecting eggs from her four chickens and playing with her golden retriever and parrot. My Contact: |
Jennifer O'Malley - Long Beach
Jennifer O’Malley holds a Masters of Pastoral Studies from Loyola University of Chicago, a Masters of Special Education and Certificate in Educational Leadership. She is currently a Director of Special Education. Jennifer previously worked as a Coordinator of Youth Ministry at a parish in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and was a Program Director for a national catholic service learning program. Jennifer is committed to social justice, she has traveled throughout central and south America meeting with local community leaders and union groups. She is currently working with local community groups to promote the rights of hospitality workers and is the pastor of Holy Wisdom Catholic Community in Long Beach. Jennifer lives in Long Beach with her wife, Elizabeth Carlin. |
Kori Pacyniak - San Diego
Kori Pacyniak joined the pastoral team of Mary Magdalene Apostle Catholic Community (MMACC) in San Diego, California in January of 2017 and became a candidate in the RCWP process in March of 2018. Coming from a background in academia and non-profit work that focused on queer and trans theology, work with veterans and survivors of trauma, and church communications, Kori holds a Master of Divinity (MDiv) from Harvard Divinity School with a concentration in queer theology and a Master of Sacred Theology (STM) from Boston University School of Theology with a concentration in Trauma and Theology. Kori’s scholarly work has focused around issues of identity construction within queer and trans religious communities and the ways in which we process trauma. Born and raised in Chicago, Kori was bitten by wanderlust at a young age and spent time studying in Rome, Poland, and Brazil and participated in multiple social justice trips and pilgrimages to Israel and Palestine. Before coming to Mary Magdalene, Kori served as parish intern at St. Luke’s and St. Margaret’s in Boston, assistant interfaith chaplain at Suffolk University, scholar in residence at the Religious Institute and social media strategist for TransEpiscopal. As pastor of a progressive catholic community in San Diego, Kori’s ministry focuses on advocating for social justice, particularly around areas of LGBTQ issues, immigration, and racial justice. |
Bertha Popeney - La Mesa
Bertha Popeney felt God calling her to priesthood in early childhood. It is a call that was expressed in a lifetime of service to others. She is a native of San Diego, California, and was born the eldest of six siblings. She has an M.A. in Education, and completed her theological studies in local universities. Both her family and her education instilled in her the importance of love, service and honor, and of protecting and teaching those with whom she came in contact. She taught in the San Diego Unified School District for 25 years. Bertha also engaged in ministry within the Diocese of San Diego and is a recipient of the Humanitarian Award from the USCCB. She is currently Secretary of San Diego Call-To-Action. Bertha lives in San Diego with her beloved husband Tom. |
Victoria Rue - Berkeley
Victoria Rue, M.Div., Ph.D. is a retired university lecturer–Emerita, a theatre writer/director, a Fulbright scholar, and a Roman Catholic woman priest. Dr. Rue considers all of these roles her ministry. Previously, she lectured in Comparative Religious Studies, Women’s Studies and Creative Arts at San Jose State University. Her book Acting Religious: Theatre as Pedagogy in Religious Studies introduces teachers and students to embodied/enacted learning. Dr. Rue’s most recent plays are: Voices from the Silenced: Pre-Roe Abortion Stories (voicesfromthesilenced
Mary/Maryam in Christian and Islamic Traditions, 2016, and Women of the Exodus: Faithful Resistance in Jewish and Islamic Traditions, 2015. In 2005 Victoria was among the first four to be ordained a woman priest in North America. She founded the congregation Sophia in Trinity in San Francisco and is now emerita. Victoria’s spouse of thirty four years is Kathryn Poethig, M.Div.,Ph.D. Both met while studying at Union Theological Seminary in NYC. They live in Walnut Creek, CA. Contact Victoria at:
“All lives won’t matter until Black Lives Matter” Sister Simone Campbell “Hope is the presentiment that the imagination is more real, and reality is less real than we thought. The last word does not belong to the brutality of facts.” –Ruben Alvez |
Pat Sandall - Carlsbad
Pat Sandall’s ministry as a Roman Catholic Womanpriest has evolved into what she calls an “itinerant priesthood.” Over time Pat has made herself available to groups in the western region who truly want to celebrate Eucharist with a womanpriest but do not have a womanpriest in their area. Upon request, she will travel to celebrate liturgy with these communities. Pat is a member of the national media committee and she hosts the national and international group communications networks. Pat holds a master’s degree in Religious Studies from Mount St. Mary’s College in Los Angeles. She also holds a doctorate in Theology from Barry University in Miami Shores. She served the Roman Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for more than twenty years as a catechist, religious education director and pastoral associate. Her areas of interest and activism include social justice issues and feminist studies. She and her husband, Joe, have four adult children and two grandchildren. They divide their time between Carlsbad and Santa Barbara California. She can be contacted at |
Donna Marie Shaw - Simi Valley
Donna Marie Shaw Born a cradle Catholic in Chicago, Illinois, Donna felt a call to the priesthood from the time she was a child. She has been active in supporting equal rights, renewal in the Church, civil rights and LGBTQIAK rights. She raised two sons and a daughter, and is now a proud grandmother. While serving as a registered nurse for over 25 years, she incorporated holistic and evidence based methods of health care into her service. Active in promoting and caring and respect for the environment and for the dignity and personhood of all creation, she is also learning ASL and goes to Renaissance Faires. She presides at Catholic Church of the Beloved in Simi Valley, CA. Donna can be contacted at |
Donnieau Snyder - Modesto
Donnieau Snyder, PhD is a member of New Spirit Rising, an inclusive Catholic faith community located in Fresno, CA. She loves and is deeply devoted to the various facets of her ministry which includes serving her faith community, religious education, working with homeless veterans dually diagnosed with mental health needs and substance abuse issues, as well as working with homeless teens and young adults. Her ministry work stretches across California’s central valley and the San Francisco bay area. She has a deep passion for social justice which includes advocating for women’s leadership across all faiths, community outreach to assist with appropriate access to mental health services and providing education about mental health. Dr. Snyder was ordained a deacon on September 06, 2014. Email: |
Rod Stephens - Irvine
Rod Stephens was ordained a Roman Catholic priest on May 25, 1974 for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and later was a priest of the Diocese of Orange when it split from LA in 1976. He was welcomed as a member of RCWP in 2008. Rod was Co-Founder and with Jane Via of Mary Magdalene Catholic Community in San Diego, CA. Along with Jane, Rod is also member of the Immaculate Heart Community of Los Angeles and the Founder and Director of SACRA FORMA, a design studio since 1974 for architecture, graphics, and liturgical consultation. Rod is also one of the members of The Catholic Worker in Orange County. Rod is also a Board member of Housing Works, a non-profit established to create housing options that promote, with respect and dignity, sustainable, environmentally sensitive, affordable communities that provide equal and fair access to housing and human services for people with limited income. Rod lives in Irvine with his spouse, Howard Seller, Professor Emeritus at Cal State University, Fullerton.
Michael Tompkins - San Diego
Michael Tompkins Like many of my women peers, I have felt called to the priesthood since early childhood. Unlike them, I was accepted into Roman Catholic seminaries—three of them before I was twenty-six years of age. I failed to thrive in all three, the fault always being mine. I was haunted by “many are called, but few are chosen.” At fifty-six years of age, RCWP gave me the opportunity to explore and discern this calling. I have been wholeheartedly encouraged by my religious community, The Immaculate Heart of Mary. I have studied for three years and worked under the mentorship of woman priest, Suzanne Dunne. I had the luxury and privilege to serve as deacon in Mary Magdalene Apostle Catholic Community, pastored by Jane Via, Rod Stephens, Nancy Corran, and an active community of Christians committed to a church that strives to include everybody. I believe I am taking my place among the church we are all called to be. Please, pray for me. |
Joanna Truelson - Walnut Creek
Joanna Truelson began her spiritual life on the East Coast in a Polish Catholic Church. She expressed her faith first in her work as a RN and Mental Health Administrator. Her curiosity and need to continually grow lead her to start her own real estate business then return to graduate school where she received a MA & D-Min in Creation Spirituality. Her interfaith work and world travels led her to be ordained an Interfaith Minister. After 15 years of doing international mission work she returned “Home” to her “roots” the catholic faith, and was ordained at RCWP. She is a founding member of Namaste Inclusive Catholic Community at Rossmoor in Walnut Creek, CA. Her life journey culminates through the transformation of service and giving–back. |
Jane Via - Jamul
Jane Via, IHM
Jane Via was born in St. Louis, Mo. in 1947. She has a B.A. in Spanish Language and Literature from Purdue University, a PH.D. in Theology and Religious Studies from Marquette University and a J.D. from the University of San Diego, where she also taught Religious Studies for several years. Jane served as an a research attorney for the San Diego Superior Court and 4th District Court of Appeal before working as a Deputy County Prosecutor for San Diego County for many years. Jane was ordained a Deacon in 2004 on the Danube River and as a priest in 2006 on the Bodensee, off Swiss shores. In 2005, she and Rod Stephens founded the first RCWP parish, Mary Magdalene the Apostle Catholic Community which meets weekly with an approximate attendance of 55. Jane serves there as Pastor Emerita. In 2017, Jane was elected one of two Bishops of the Western Region. Jane shares her life with her husband of many years. They have two adult sons. You can contact Jane through the “Contact Us” link on the MMACC website: |
Maryrose Petrizzo - Wilmington
Maryrose Petrizzo is an ordained Inter-faith Minister, who has served in Catholic parish ministry for more than 25 years. Her service has included youth and young adult ministry, retreat direction for youth and adults, and catechists’ instruction. Maryrose has served as Formation Director for Secular Franciscans, as a Certified Spiritual Director, and as a Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant®. She is an accomplished public speaker and an experienced “Master of Ceremonies.” Maryrose has a Master’s degree in Pastoral Care & Counseling, and is currently pursuing her Doctorate in Ministry. For the last four years, Maryrose has been actively participating and serving in an Intentional Catholic Community in Philadelphia and is leading the formation of a new community in Delaware. In addition, Maryrose creates and officiates custom ceremonies for those who do not have a church affiliation or are not welcome in a church, and she has specialized in same-sex weddings and civil unions.Maryrose can be reached at |
Judith Bautista Fajardo - Ft. Myers
Judith Bautista Fajardo is from Bogota- Colombia but lives in Florida. She is a poet and singer and much of her music and poetry is inspired by scripture, as well as her understanding of the role of spirit in human development. She is Licensed in Philosophy and Letters through the University of Saint Thomas, and she has studied Theology, Biblical Scripture and Spirituality. Her Ph.D. is in Education, focusing on affective processes and transpersonal psychology. Since 1987 Judith has taught scripture studies and done pastoral ministry with women and youth. Currently, she is offering psychotherapeutic and spiritual direction, while she remains engaged in artistic creation. Some of Judith’s publications as writer and composer include: Destellos de Tormenta Azul- Poetry, 2012; Desacostembrame, 2009; Como Espada de Dos Filos, 2002. And she has worked collaboratively as well: Minga de la Esperanza, 2012; Palabras para el Encuentro, 2011, Mesa de Fraternidad, 2005; Las 7 Palabras de Jesus en la cruz, 2000; Celebremos en el Espiritu-Misa de Pentecostas,1998 Con Toda la gente, Cantos para la Iglesia Joven de America Latina, 1993; Que Chevere es Dios, Novena de Navidad Para Ninos, 1993.You can communicate with Judith by mail: |
Judy Lee - Ft. Myers
Judy Lee, DMin, MS, DSW is the Pastoral Director of Good Shepherd Ministries serving the culturally diverse poor of Southwest Florida. Called to serve early, she continues to follow Jesus whose inclusive love, call of women, and revolutionary poor people’s movement turns the world, including the religious establishment, upside down. She combines her social work background with healing and liberating ministry with the poor and all who are outcast. Since 2008 she and Judy Beaumont, RCWP, her awe-inspiring partner, are Co-Pastors of The Good Shepherd Inclusive Catholic Community of Fort Myers, Florida. She is Professor Emerita at the University of Connecticut and is a prolific writer whose work includes Come By Here: Church with the Poor, (2010,, now AmericaStar; Ven Aqui: La Iglesia De Los Pobres (2014,; The Empowerment Approach To Social Work Practice: Building the Beloved Community (Columbia University Press, 2001); The Flame Keeper And Other Poems (PublishAmerica, 2007); and The House on Sunny Street- My Two Brooklyns: with an Epilogue of Blessings (2013, now America Her blog is and she can be reached at |
Mary Ellen Robertson - Deltona (Dec-May)
Mary Ellen Robertson, BA in Theology, RN, ministers through card ministry, spiritual direction & retreat work, publishes a spirituality reflection letter, The Spiritual Connection by subscription and presider for Eucharist with Sojourner Catholic communities in Muskegon area of west Michigan and Deltona, Florida. “Her Story” is published in RCWP’s book, Women Find A Way: The Movement & Stories of Roman Catholic Womenpriests. She has served as hospital chaplain and Spiritual Care Counselor for hospice. Mary Ellen has authored two books, Meditations for Working Women and Meditations for Working Men, owned and managed a motel for 17 years and written various articles including business, personal interviews and spirituality. She is a mother of three adult daughters (including twins), grandmother of five and lives with her husband, John for over 50 years in Michigan. |
Marina Teresa Sanchez Majia - Ft. Myers
Marina Teresa Sanchez Majia is married and has two sons and a granddaughter. She was born in Colombia in 1967. She has pursued the cause of human rights, justice for women and for Colombians of African descent her whole life. Her degrees are in early childhood and community education and in theology. In the 1990’s she participated in global women’s conferences in Brazil, Vienna and Beijing, China. She has worked with local priests in several base communities and was a missionary to Ecuador for three years where she studied Theology and served women and children and other marginalized persons. Since 2005 she has animated, represented and served a very large community of Afro-Colombians, Consejo Comunitario Ancestral de Negritudes, near Playa Reciente, near the Cauco River in Cali. As Marina Teresa gathers with this community around the Eucharistic table, they will reflect the liberating presence of God at work for justice on the altars of their lives. Email: |
Maria Elena Sierra Sanchez
Maria Elena Sierra Sanchez has given life-long service to the young, the elderly, and poor and indigenous populations. She was a religious Sister with the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul from 1983-1996 when she left to assist her family. Her formal degrees (her Licentiate) are in Primary Education. She also has a recent advanced degree in educational computer technology and additional studies in working with youth, social services, and educational administration. She has done extensive mission work in the poorest communities, rural and urban. In 2007, she also was ordained as a priest in the Fraternidad Eucaristica de Jesus, a movement founded by former Salesian RC priests in the Apostolic Catholic tradition. She received theological training and religious formation from the founders of this Community who are accepted theologians and teachers in the progressive Catholic Community. She began her journey with RCWP in 2013 and was ordained a priest in 2017. She continues with her ministry in her community serving 40-50 community members and meeting regularly with groups for prayer services at their homes. As a Head Teacher in a primary school, she is on the front lines in the violence experienced in her poor community. Her way is to live and teach love and peace. Her school is a haven. Beyond teaching she is accepted by the children and their parents as the Pastor they turn to at school and in their lives. As an ordained RCWP priest she serves her school community, her home community and several poor and indigenous communities in Cali, Colombia. |
Puanani Lalakea - Honolulu
Puanani Lalakea was born and raised in Hawai’i and is the proud mother of four adult children whom she raised in Portland,Oregon. In 2016, Puanani received her Master of Divinity from Marylhurst University. She has worked as a pastry chef, a domestic violence advocate, an intern pastor and a Chaplain.Puanani recently returned home to her roots in Hawai’i where she works as a Chaplain in Honolulu and is enjoying reconnecting with the culture and traditions of her childhood. Puanani’s faith is her compass and her Hawaiian heritage is her touchstone. She believes we are each the physical embodiment of Divine creation and lives in the spirit of aloha. |
Teresa Gregory - Bellevue
Teresa Gregory states, “My life-long passion is to serve. This was instilled in me by the example of my parents. Growing up, our table and home were never too crowded that one or more could not be added. Our doors and hearts were always open to the needs of others. I am happy to continue this way of life in central Idaho.” Teresa ministered in the Roman Catholic Church as a lay- person for 30 years. She received her Masters of Divinity from Seattle University in 1991 and has served in both the Archdiocese of Seattle and the Diocese of Boise. From 2002 to 2011 she served as a Parish Life Director for Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Church in Sun Valley, Idaho in the Boise Diocese. After many years of discernment, she followed her heart and decided to pursue ordination with the RCWP. Teresa was ordained a deacon on September 6, 2014 with six other incredibly gifted and compassionate women. “I hope to help form and reform the Church by responding to the desires of people, especially Catholics, who long for a Church welcoming to all people.” Teresa was ordained a priest on August 1, 2015. She with several others from her area have formed the Wood River Inclusive Catholic Community. She works for the Blaine County School District and manages the Community Campus, a center for the arts, education and recreation. She lives in Bellevue, Idaho with her wife MaryAnn. |
Ruth Lindstedt - Driggs
Ruth Lindstedt, M. Div., BSN, Master’s of Public Health, Certified Spiritual Director. After retiring from a 40-plus year professional career as a nurse and administrator in home care and hospice settings, Ruth joined with a group in St. Cloud, MN to form Mary Magdalene First Apostle served by womenpriests of RCWP-USA. This process spurred her own call to pastoral ministry and she pursued theological preparation at Saint John’s University School of Theology graduating with an M.Div. in 2015. Ordained to the diaconate in August 2015, and to the priesthood in 2016, Ruth served at Mary Magdalene before relocating to Driggs, ID in July 2017. At present, Ruth continues to serve RCWP-USA as a member of several circles and as a member of RCWP-Midwest Leadership Circle. In her local community Ruth co-facilitates a spiritual growth group at a local Episcopal parish where she also preaches and serves as church treasurer. Ruth enjoys time with her family, especially a precious granddaughter, and continues to connect with nature through hiking, cross-country skiing, and photography. |
Mary Grace Crowley-Koch - Mt. Prospect
Mary Grace Crowley-Koch began her walk towards priesthood at age 4 when she engaged her nursery school playmates in Eucharistic celebrations. She was taught by the Adrian Dominicans for 12 years and entered that community. While completing her MA in Theology at St. John’s University in Collegeville and serving as a pastoral associate at several parishes she continued to feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit towards ordination. After teaching and seeing her children, Angela and Brian, move onwards toward college she was able to continue her pastoral ministry as a hospice chaplain. In this ministry she again felt the validation of her call to priestly ministry from the persons she served. On her journey towards priesthood she initiated a small faith community which has been meeting monthly for 15 years. For the same amount of time, she and her married priest husband, Ron, ministered to couples with a connection to the Roman Catholic church who would like to have their wedding celebration outside of the RC church building venue. She believes in God’s constant call ‘to do a new thing” and to share your God given gifts with all you meet as you dance together with all on your journey. |
Katherine Elsner - Springfield
Photo coming soon
Katherine Elsner was born and raised on a farm in Greensburg, IN, attended boarding (high) school in Oldenburg, IN with Sisters of St. Francis, then joined Dominican Sisters of Springfield, IL for 44 years. She taught at all levels of elementary school, primarily in junior high math and science. She served as principal of three elementary schools in three dioceses in Illinois, then as Chief Financial Officer for 16 years in the Dominican congregation. Now she does part-time work as treasurer of a rural water district while residing in Springfield. Her degrees include BA in Elementary Education from St. Ambrose University, Davenport, IA; Master of Education with IL Supervision Certificate from University of Illinois in Champaign; partial masters work in Financial Management for at University of Notre Dame. She is a member of Holy Family Inclusive Catholic Community where Mary Keldermans is pastor. Her passion for social justice over the years drew her to support and be called to ordination for women. She was ordained a Deacon in February 2020. For exercise and fun she has done performance dancing with Springfield International Folk Dancers for 20 years. Now she takes a slower pace by doing ballroom dancing with her dance partner Bob. She has six living siblings, 21 nieces/nephews, 40 great nieces/nephews, three great-great nieces/nephew. She can be contacted at |
Mary Frances Keldermans - Springfield
Mary Frances Keldermans and her husband, Steve are parents to six amazing people, parents-in-law to six equally amazing people and permissive and indulgent grandparents to 10 (and counting!) remarkable grandchildren. Mary was very active in parish life, being involved in RCIA ministry for over 20 years. As coordinator of RCIA she collaborated with other RCIA teams in the diocese, directed deanery wide continuing education meetings for RCIA teams, organized site logistics for yearly retreats and was a guest speaker at Adult Formation Classes in other parishes. In 2010, Mary and her book club hosted a citywide conference with Sr. Joan Chittister OSB as the keynote speaker and Marty Haugen as the guest musician performing his Agape musical. It was at this conference that Mary first felt the Holy Spirit nudging her towards ordination. Mary and Steve also co-founded Holy Family Inclusive Catholic Community with the tagline “Where all families are holy.” Holy Family members have answered God’s call to form a community where questions may be asked, where no one is turned away for whom they love, marital status, race or creed. Facebook Page: Holy Family Inclusive Catholic Community Email: |
Susan Mary Mielke - Medora
Susan MielkePriest 2015 |
Susan Mary Mielke lives and ministers in rural, west-central Illinois. Susan is a womanpriest in the Great Waters Region of RCWP. She has a B.A. in Theology, a Master of Divinity degree and a Doctor of Ministry degree and is a licensed clinical counselor in Illinois. Susan’s primary ministry is her practice of pastoral psychotherapy. She also has a special interest in research, writing and praxis, engaging feminist theoretical and theological perspectives, concerning pastoral conversation as sacrament. Susan is a wife, mother and grandmother. Susan and her husband Harry host inclusive, Eucharistic celebrations bi-monthly in their log cabin studio. |
Kathy Rolenc - Oak Lawn
Kathy RolencPriest 2016 |
Kathy Rolenc has a priestly ministry includes presiding with three different communities. I also work as a home health caregiver with all Alzheimer’s patients. I am a certified nurses aide and a emergency medical technician. I have volunteered in Parish life as a Eucharistic minister, homebound Eucharistic minister, catechist, Arts environment, planning Eucharistic prayer services and parish liturgies. Also being a youth minister is one of my passions! Preparing teen and young adult retreats, fundraising for world youth day and national youth Catholic conferences. I have certificates in lay ministry archdiocesan of Chicago university of Saint Mary by the lake Mundelein seminary, youth ministry Loyola University, theology and ministry Saint Xavier University Chicago and a BA in theology. There is nothing more satisfying than doing God’s work. I thank God for my gift of faith, my vocation and the support of my wonderful husband! My email is |
Susan Vaickasuski - Northbrook
Susan VaickasuskiPriest 2016 |
Susan Kochert Vaickasuski was born and raised in Lafayette, Indiana. Susan received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Purdue University and a Masters of Pastoral Studies from Loyola, Chicago with a certificate in Human Relations and Helping Skills also from Loyola, Chicago. Susan felt called to ordained priesthood within the Catholic Church her whole life. She was ordained a deacon June of 2015 and a priest June, 2016. Susan has been involved in active ministry since her teens. She was on the board for the Office of Evangelization, Chicago in the 1980’s. She wrote programs to welcome back those who felt distanced from the church, began programs to reach out to the homeless and needy, was a Director of Religious Education on the high school and junior high level. She helped begin the pastoral ministry program at her parish in the late 1970’s, trained Eucharistic Ministers, wrote prayers and was involved in ministry of care and the bereavement ministry. In 2006, Susan and her daughter founded the Fred Outa Foundation which raised money to sponsor an elementary school in Kibera Slum, Nairobi, Kenya and raised monies to build a high school for girls. Susan and Ron have been married for 45 years. They have two daughters and five grandchildren. |
Barbara Zeman - Oak Park
Barbara ZemanPriest 2008 |
Barbara Zeman I am first and foremost a child of God. Being a Catholic, for me, means being universal – inclusive. The day I was ordained I realized that the Holy Spirit had been preparing me for this my whole life. Thank God I answered the call and followed my conscience. To realize God’s connecting presence in every person brings a joy that cannot be contained. My approach to and reverence for Eucharist offer a Spirit filled presence that permeates all the sacraments from Baptisms and Weddings to Funerals. Through Wisdom and Word Works Foundation, a not-for profit which I founded in 2012, I create ecumenical and interfaith services, lead meditation groups, retreats and offer home Eucharist for all who want to realize more fully, the joy of God’s presence and our human connection. Since 2016 I have been Senior Patient Representative and Independent Living Donor Advocate for Northwestern Medicine Kidney and Liver Transplant. As such, I offer guidance to donors from evaluation through to post-surgery and act as staff chaplain. I facilitate a weekly meditation group at Gilda’s Club – a Cancer Support Community. As a spiritual leader for Dignity Chicago I provide the LGBTQ Roman Catholic community a greater awareness of women in ministry. I am a writer and a poet. I am deeply involved in issues of social justice, especially those concerning women. I hold a Masters of Arts in Theology, Loyola University Chicago and am endorsed by Federation of Christian Ministries. |
Joan Clark Houk - South Bend
Joan Clark HoukPriest 2006
Joan Clark Houk is a careful and cheerful listener to the movement of the Holy Spirit in the world and in her life. She and her husband, John, are life partners and occasional partners in ministry. They have raised six children, and are proud great-grandparents. Involved in parish ministry for over 30 years, Joan had been Pastoral Director of two Roman Catholic parishes without priest pastors before her ordination. Her education includes: B.A. in Education, St. Martin’s College; M.S. in Conflict Management, George Mason University; M.Div., University of Notre Dame. Joan’s web site: Email: |
Maria Thornton McClain - Indianapolis
Maria Thornton McClainPriest 2012 |
Maria Thornton McClain is Pastor Emerita of St. Mary of Magdala Catholic Community, in Indianapolis. She didn’t seek ordination but her passion for justice, especially for people on the margins, led her to RCWP. She has an M.A. in Religious Studies and a Certificate in Pastoral Studies. She grew up mainly in Buffalo, NY, joined the Sisters of Mercy there and taught in Catholic schools. After leaving the convert, she moved to Indianapolis in 1977 to take a position as parish DRE. She met her husband, Ed, was Coordinator of Boards of Education, wrote and edited publications for the NCEA; later served as consultant to religious and nonprofit organizations until she retired. She helped found a recovery home for women with drug addictions and served on that board for 11 years. She is a Toastmaster, loves to explore new places and ideas and is involved in ecumenical efforts as part of her ministry. Her e-mail address is: |
Angela Nevitt Meyer - Indianapolis
Angela Nevitt Meyer
Angela Nevitt Meyer was ordained a deacon at Holy Wisdom Monastery (Madison, WI) in 2019. She earned her BA from Butler University and is working to complete her MA in Religion with emphasis in Biblical Studies at Earlham School of Religion. Angela is bilingual (Spanish) and works as a family support coordinator in an urban newborn ICU. Her work focuses on family-centered care and public health initiatives, with special interest in maternal and infant mental health and immigration issues. She is actively involved in RCWP communities in Indianapolis and Brownsburg, IN, as well as Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation, where she and her family are members and her Jewish husband teaches religious education. Angela is passionate about scripture work, keen to the ways biblical interpretation impacts all facets of public and private life. Through her MA thesis she is exploring queer & feminist perspectives on female characters in Hebrew scripture who have often been forgotten, under-appreciated, and/or maligned in Christian tradition. She is adventuring through life with her husband, Jarrett, her kids, Jackson and Nora, and her husky, Mishka! |
Nancy Meyer (Retired) - Brownsburg
Nancy MeyerPriest 2010
Nancy Meyer is a spiritual director and holds a Masters in Spirituality from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and a BS in Biology from Marian (College) University. She has a certificate from Washington Theological Union in Theological Studies and a certificate in Pastoral Family Life from the University of Mt. St. Joseph. She was ordained a deacon in August, 2009, a priest in May, 2010, and bishop in June, 2014. Nancy was a pastoral associate in a Roman Catholic parish community for 25 years working with RCIA, marriage preparation, women’s spirituality, outreach and with refugees especially those from Sudan. As a Sister of St. Francis she taught in the secondary schools and was vocation director, postulant director and associate vocation director for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Nancy facilitates a catacomb church community and a house church community in Brownsburg, IN. She is bishop for the Midwest region. |
Helen Weber-McReynolds - Indianapolis
Helen Weber-McReynoldsPriest 2018 |
Helen Weber-McReynolds was ordained June 3, 2018, in Indianapolis, IN. In January of 2019, she assumed leadership of the St. Mary of Magdala Catholic Community, from Pastor Emerita, Maria McClain. Helen is a Physician Assistant in Family Practice and Emergency Medicine, with a BA in Psychology from the University of Notre Dame, and a BMS in PA Studies from St. Louis University. She is currently completing an MTS at Christian Theological Seminary. She and her husband, Jeff, have four children and one grandchild. |
Amy Bruner - Des Moines
Amy BrunerDeacon 2018
Amy Louise Bruner was called by the Holy Spirit in 2015 to begin her journey toward priesthood. She was ordained a Womandeacon in 2018 at Holy Wisdom Monastery in Madison WI. Amy has been involved with Parish Ministry all of her adult life participating with her husband in the Sponsor Couple Program for Engaged Couples, as a facilitator of a Faith Formation Commission encompassing a Catholic Elementary School, Adult Formation and RCIA. Her work as a facilitator of women’s retreats through the Emmaus Program and ministering to women was particularly instrumental in response to answering the Spirit’s call. Currently, her ministry involves working as a Shelter Advocate at a homeless shelter in Des Moines Iowa where she assists the chronic homeless in establishing a source of income and permanent housing. Amy is, also, a Reiki Master and ministers by bringing God’s healing touch to those suffering emotionally and/or physically. Married for 39 years, Amy and her husband Roger have 3 children, Emily, Kristin and Nathan and one angel, Donald who support Amy as she journeys toward priesthood. |
Mary Kay Kusner - Iowa City
Mary Kay KusnerPriest 2010 |
Mary Kay Kusner, MA, BCC has been a chaplain for over 30 years. During this time, she witnessed the openness of people to her as a woman minister. When she graduated from Boston College with her Master’s in Pastoral Ministry in 1987, many of her peers were leaving the Catholic church to become ordained. At that time, Mary Kay said, “I want my presence to speak louder than my absence.” Currently, she serves as the chaplain for the Palliative Care Program at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. She is skilled in providing support to those in crisis and at the end of life. It has been her great joy to officiate at weddings, baptisms, and funerals and to serve as pastor for Full Circle Catholic Church in Iowa City. Mary Kay has four children and has been married for over 35 years. |
Martha Sherman - Washington
Martha ShermanPriest 2013
Martha Sherman grew up in St. Charles, MO, across the street from her parish and school. The School Sisters of Notre Dame strongly influenced her during elementary and high school. After graduating from St. Louis University with BA in English and Theology, she entered the SSNDs. Though she left after just four years, she continued to teach in an SSND run school for eight more years. She completed her MTh from Global Ministries University. For the past 25 years she and her partner, Marie, have owned and operated Camp America Campground in Salem, SD. They considered this a ministry of hospitality. Having retired from the camping industry, she prays with an RCWP led community in Coralville, IA, writes and uses her gifts in the national leadership of RCWP-USA. |
Theresa Novak Chabot - Brunswick
Theresa Novak Chabot After several years of serving in a variety of parish ministries, Theresa answered the call to priesthood to minister to those who have become disillusioned with the Church but who still long to be fed spiritually. Her priestly ministry has included the celebration of weekend Masses as well as weddings and baptisms in settings not limited to a church building. Feeling especially called to offer comfort and presence to those whose loved ones have died, she officiates Catholic and spiritual funerals and celebrations of life for practicing and non-practicing Catholics, persons of other faith traditions, and those with no religious affiliation at all. Theresa holds a Master of Arts in Theology with a concentration in Pastoral Ministry/Spirituality from Saint Michael’s College in Vermont as well as a Master of Arts in Speech-Language Pathology. Formerly Director of Development for New Hampshire Catholic Charities and an executive director of a chamber of commerce, she has held professional positions in the areas of communications, business development, and fundraising, and has worked extensively as a speech-language pathologist and consultant in educational and healthcare settings. A native of New Hampshire, she and her husband, Gary, reside in beautiful Mid-Coast Maine, where she welcomes invitations to celebrate Mass and the sacraments. |
Barbara Beadles - Silver Spring
Barabara BeadlesPriest 2015 |
Barabara Beadles holds a Master of Arts (Religious Studies) degree from The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Global University. She has been involved in religious education since 1968, working in parochial schools in Kentucky and Maryland. As a pastoral associate in Virginia and New Jersey in the 1980s, she worked with adults in RCIA education and adults with children being baptized and making first communion. After completing initial training as a Hospice volunteer, Barbara recently took a one year course entitled “Companioning the Dying: Opening Fully to Living.” Her particular interest is ministry with marginalized Catholics and as a Hospice volunteer. Barbara resides in Silver Spring, MD with her husband Jim. Barbara may be reached at |
Gloria Carpeneto - Baltimore
Gloria CarpenetoPriest 2008 |
Gloria Carpeneto, Ph.D., is a spiritual director, labyrinth facilitator, Reiki Master, writer, and teacher. In the late 90’s, Gloria conducted her doctoral dissertation research on the embodiment of spirituality in women. Since that time, she has ministered primarily with women – individually and in groups. Gloria has served as Pastoral Associate for Holistic Health Ministry in two Roman Catholic faith communities. She has taught Psychology, Nursing, and Early Childhood Education at Villa Julie College (now Stevenson University), and has served as advisor on doctoral students’ dissertation committees at University of MD College Park. Gloria’s Ph.D. is in Human Development, and her D. Min. is in Spiritual Direction with a research focus on Ignatian Spirituality in Everyday Living. She founded and served as Executive Director of the FRIENDS of the Northeast Interfaith Peace Garden, a community garden and labyrinth located in an urban setting, dedicated to interfaith peacemaking. Together with Andrea Johnson, Gloria currently co-pastors the Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community in Baltimore MD. Gloria was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in Boston MA on July 20, 2008, and lives in Baltimore MD with Myles, her husband of 50 years. Myles & Gloria are the parents of Robin and Penelope; grandparents to Prema, Uriah, Venus and Salvador; and great grandparents to Zyra and Ariah. Gloria may be reached at |
Jacqueline Clarys - Catonsville
Jacqueline ClarysPriest 2016 |
Jacqueline Clarys Lifetime interest in both spirituality/religion and music together created a natural entryway to the formal study of theology. Her later-life call to ordained ministry was within discerned the context of membership in the Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community of central Maryland (RCWP-led). Her professional music career includes nearly 25 years of vocal performance as an active-duty U.S. Army musician; teaching; and music ministry for liturgies, weddings, funerals, and patriotic/veteran’s events. She has served as a Chaplain Intern at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center (2015–2016), and as a Chaplain Resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD (2017–2018), earning four units of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). She is a certified teacher of Godly Play. Jackie holds a Bachelor of Science in Vocal Music Education from the University of Minnesota, Moorhead; a Master of Music in Vocal Performance and Literature from Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York; and a Master of Arts in Theology from the Ecumenical Institute of Theology, St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, Maryland. She and her husband Daniel M. Hopkins make their home in Catonsville, Maryland, where their son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren live nearby. |
Erma Durkin - Glen Arm
Erma DurkinPriest 2018 |
Erma Durkin For twenty years, I was a member of a Religious Congregation that focused on Religious Education for those at the margins. Ministry was offered through visiting every home within the parish to which I was assigned, and not only the homes of Roman Catholic parishioners. As a religious, I was assigned to a different Mission every two years. I served in Cambridge MD, South San Antonio TX, Belle, WV, Grand Junction, CO, Trenton, NJ, and finally in several parishes in the barrios outside San Juan and Santurce, Puerto Rico. At the end of my life in Religious Community, I graduated with my BS SS from Loyola College, Baltimore MD. Building a home and a family in North Baltimore County, I became a member of the Parish Council in 1976, and served as Representative of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine(CCD) on that Council. Since that time, and up until the present (2017), I have been engaged in the Religious Education activities of my parish, especially those which impinged upon Women’s Reproductive Rights, GLBTQ understanding, and Ordination of Women. I am a widow since 2002, have three adult children, all married, and two Grandchildren. My spiritual life is nourished by membership in the Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community, pastored by RCWP Priests. |
Leslie Frances Handy - Baltimore
Biography coming soon
Andrea Johnson - Annapolis
Andrea M. JohnsonPriest 2007
Andrea M. Johnson M. Div., a former program officer in international education exchange with the Senior Fulbright Scholars’ Program, has worked for many years, and in several dioceses, as a religious educator at the adult and secondary levels. In the 1980’s, she served for two years as a parish life director in a priestless parish of the military diocese. Always active in her parish communities, she served from 2004-2006 on the pastoral council of her current parish, as president during the second year of her term. An active member of the Women’s Ordination Conference since 1984, she served that organization as executive director from 1996-2000. Andrea’s educational background includes a BA in French from Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana, an MA in diplomacy and international relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, and an M.Div. from Global Ministries University. Her particular interest is ministry with marginalized and underserved Catholics. She can be reached at |
Pat Shannon Jones - Towson
Pat Shannon JonesPriest 2015 |
Patricia Shannon Jones has a Master’s Degree in Adulthood and Aging Studies from Notre Dame of Maryland University. She is a registered nurse and retired nursing home administrator in the State of Maryland. She has completed the Parish Nursing Certificate Program at the Ecumenical Institute (EI) of Saint Marys Seminary and University, and continues to pursue courses in Pastoral Care at the EI. Pat has more than 20 years experience in the development and management of research projects. During her research career, she worked at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the University of Maryland School of Medicine, an International Clinical Research Organization, ran her own clinical trials management company, and worked as a consultant with the University of Maryland Institute of Human Virology where she was responsible for operational support of an institutional strengthening grant in Haiti. In addition, Pat has spent the last two years working with immigrant families through the Immigration Outreach Service Center (IOSC) in the St. Matthew Church community in Baltimore city. She assumed the role of Director in 2013. She has led the IOSC in the development of new programs and has spent the past year organizing the local immigrant community to build power in the community in order to take action on important issues that affect immigrants in the Baltimore area and the region. Contact Pat on |
Marellen Mayers - Forest Hill
Marellen MayersPriest 2011
Marellen Mayers currently finds herself enjoying ministry with the Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community, being an active member of the Eastern Region of RCWP USA and working full time as a hospice chaplain. Over her lifetime, she has worked in the fields of social work, health, education and campus ministry. Marellen earned a B.A. in Human Services from Notre Dame of Maryland University and a M.A. in Holistic Spirituality from Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia, PA. Other areas of great interest and experience have been that of spiritual direction, retreat facilitation, holistic wellness and liturgy. Additional certifications were earned in the field of Bereavement Support and that of a Reiki II practitioner. More recently completion of Clinical Pastoral Education Internship at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center and CPE Residency at Wellspan Health York Hospital were earned along with Endorsement through FCM. Marellen and her husband, Craig were married in 1986 and reside in Forest Hill, Maryland. Marellen can be reached at |
Marilyn E. Rondeau - Eldersburg
Marilyn E. RondeauPriests 2017
Marilyn E. Rondeau, Ed.D., is a native of Greenfield, Massachusetts. After college, she moved to Maryland where she spent her career in teaching and administration in parochial and public schools. Currently, she serves as director of Administrative I programs on the university level. She felt the “tug, tug, tug” toward priesthood from a very early age. When she was introduced to Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community in Baltimore, she knew that her inner voice drawing her toward priestly ministry had found a home. Marilyn received her Ed.D. and M.S. in Urban Educational Leadership from Morgan State University, a M.Th. from Global Ministries University, a B.A. in History from the College of Our Lady of the Elms, and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Education with a concentration in Guidance and Counseling from Johns Hopkins University. In ministry, she will use her service-oriented background to foster social justice that benefits the disenfranchised. |
Jane Audrey-Neuhauser - Maynard
Jane Audrey-NeuhauserDeacon 2019
Jane Audrey-Neuhauser was born and raised in NYC and has spent most of her adult life in the Boston area. She received a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Mt. St. Vincent and a Masters in Theology and Religious Education from Boston College. When Jane worked as a DRE, her team developed the two-year high school Confirmation program, which became the standard for the Boston Archdiocese. Other parish involvements included: Parish Council President, Eucharistic Minister, Lector, Sacramental Preparation Team and folk group member. Jane is an active member of several independent Catholic Communities: The Spirit of Life and The People of the Promise in the Boston area, and, as a “snowbird”, St. Dorothy’s Catholic Community in Orlando, FL during the winter months. She is active in the local food banks in both states and is a Reiki Master and End-of-Life Doula. Professionally, Jane was a middle school teacher for 17 years and was selected by Massachusetts and the National Science Foundation for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching. Now in her retirement years, she also manages to find time to chase after grandkids and golf balls! Jane is available to preside at Liturgies and offer Sacraments in both MA and FL. She would be pleased to hear from you at: |
Marie David - Harwich Port
Marie DavidPriest 2005 |
Marie David, M.Ed., Reiki Master/Teacher, has over 30 years experience in Catholic education, spirituality and parish ministry. From 2002 – 2017, Marie and her husband, Jim, were directors of Evensong Retreat & Spirituality Center and Co-Pastors of St. Mary of Magdala Church. With the sale of the retreat center in 2017 they continue to minister to the people of Cape Cod as Co-Pastors of St. Mary of Magdala Church in Harwich, MA They have two grown daughters, and three grandchildren. Her ministries include women’s spirituality and wellness, Reiki treatments and training, spiritual direction, guiding retreats and coaching teachers who are involved in the education of young children in the midst of trauma. |
Sharon Dickinson - Bedford
Sharon DickinsonPriest 2016 |
Rev. Sharon Dickinson has a Master of Divinity degree from Andover Newton Theological School and is the Director of Spiritual Care at Salem Hospital, Salem, MA. Her priestly ordination was April 23, 2016. Sharon is the main preacher, presider and pastor for the People of the Promise, an open and affirming Catholic community founded in 1972. Rev. Sharon is available for sacramental ministry, spiritual direction, and pastoral counseling. To join the community, which has been gathering every Sunday at 10am for Mass on Zoom since March 2020, send Rev. Sharon an email at Our liturgy is intentional in its attention to inclusiveness and also traditional Catholic language. |
Mary Leahy - Cambridge
Mary LeahyPriest 2021 |
Mary Michael Leahy is the pastor of the Mary Magdalene Spirituality Center in Cambridge, MA, and presides there at weekly liturgy. (magdalenespiritualitycenter. |
Jean Marie Marchant - Framingham
Jean Marie MarchantPriest 2005
Jean Marie Marchant, M.Div., D.Min., ordained to the priesthood on July 25, 2005 on the St. Lawrence Seaway, holds a Masters of Divinity Degree from Weston Jesuit School of Theology and the Doctor of Ministry Degree in Pastoral Counseling from the Graduate Theological Foundation. Licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist, Jean is a Reiki Master, Certified Chaplain and holds a Certificate in Spiritual Direction. She is the former Director of Health Care Ministry for the Archdiocese of Boston, and as an ordained priest in the Roman Catholic Womanpriest movement, her ministry of pastoral care, counseling and spiritual direction is now enriched by her sacramental ministry. She has ministered over the past 35 years to people navigating a myriad of challenges and transitions across the spectrum of life, primarily as an interfaith hospice chaplain where it has been her gift to accompany people living and dying with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life threatening illnesses, adults facing issues of spiritual and emotional health, and those grieving the death of a loved one. Her years as chaplain at The Hospice at Mission Hill, a residence for people with HIV/AIDS, deepened her awareness of the concerns of those in the LGBTQ community, and this sacred witness has profoundly informed her ministry. As a bereaved parent, with a special place in her heart for grieving children, Jean co-founded The Children’s Room: A Center for Grieving Children & Teenagers. The mother of two adult daughters, and grandmother of five, Jean has a passion for justice and for empowering women and men in their search for wholeness and holy-ness in their lives; she brings this to bear in her ministry as spiritual director, chaplain and pastor. Jean and her husband of 32 years, Rev. Dr. Ron Hindelang, are the Co-Pastors of The Spirit of Life: A Catholic Community of Justice and Joy, a Eucharistic Community that is inclusive, open, affirming and interactive, deeply committed to being a people of ‘Justice and Joy’ where all are truly welcome at the table! Visit us at: |
Ann Searing - Braintree
Ann SearingPriest 2015 |
Ann Searing grew up in Brooklyn, NY, and attended Catholic parochial schools before joining the religious congregation, the Daughters of Wisdom. As a Daughter of Wisdom, Ann taught for 17 year before she left the community. Together with her husband, Rev. Jeff Johnson, Ann served as a Pastoral Team at the Athol Congregational Church UCC, in Massachusetts for 14 years. Ann was interim pastor of the Phillipston Congregational Church for a year, and of the Memorial Congregational Church of Baldwinville for four months. At Our Lady Immaculate RC church, Ann was director of RCIA, a Eucharistic Minister, and pastoral visitor of the sick. She studied at Andover Newton Theological School (earning the M. Div. and D. Min. degrees). She was a Student Minister at the First Baptist Church, Malden, MA for two years, preached often, officiated at funerals, taught Bible Study, and helped with the Youth Group. At present, Ann is a spiritual director and retreat leader. Ann and Jeff married in 1975. They have two daughters, Beth and Lynne, and both are married. Lynne is pregnant with her first child. Ann may be reached at |
Lillian Lewis - Three Oaks
Lillian Lohr Lewis, M.A., Ph.D. Ordained priest 2014, Three Oaks, MI, Lil came to RCWP after 30 + years in ministry, and an M.A. in theology from Marquette University as its first lay graduate. Lil went on to become translator and assistant to Sofia Cavalletti, Italian rabbinic scholar and founder of Montessori Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. She then spent 20 years teaching and spreading this form of catechesis. A transformation to her life and philosophy of ministry occurred when she sold her suburban home and moved with her four daughters into the inner City of Chicago where she served as a Pastoral Associate and hermanita a los barrachos “street sister” walking with the poor and undocumented for 10 year.Issues of hunger and poverty still impact her ministry. Today, Lil and her priest-husband work together building community and ritual for their town and through their House Church of Three Oaks, and through the large Community Garden they have created to supply produce for the hungry. |
Mary Ellen Robertson - Norton Shores (May-Dec)
Mary Ellen Robertson, BA in Theology, RN, ministers through card ministry, spiritual direction & retreat work, publishes a spirituality reflection letter, The Spiritual Connection by subscription and presider for Eucharist with Sojourner Catholic communities in Muskegon area of west Michigan and Deltona, Florida. “Her Story” is published in RCWP’s book, Women Find A Way: The Movement & Stories of Roman Catholic Womenpriests. She has served as hospital chaplain and Spiritual Care Counselor for hospice. Mary Ellen has authored two books, Meditations for Working Women and Meditations for Working Men, owned and managed a motel for 17 years and written various articles including business, personal interviews and spirituality. She is a mother of three adult daughters (including twins), grandmother of five and lives with her husband, John for over 50 years in Michigan. |
Maria T. Annoni - Cohasset
Maria AnnoniPriest 2017 |
Maria T. Annoni is a native of Duluth, MN. She grew up on the western shores of Lake Superior, and the sounds of the lake still call her home. Schooled in the Benedictine tradition from an early age, Maria strives to live by its principles. An accomplished musician, Maria began playing the organ at mass by the time she was 10 years old. Maria thrived on liturgy and liturgical music at the time when Vatican II was revolutionizing both, and she has been a leader in training liturgical musicians, parishioners, and priests, in the implementation of the philosophy and tenets of Vatican II. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music and Education from the College of St. Scholastica (Duluth, MN); MA and PhD in Historical Music Theory from The Ohio State University (Columbus, OH), and completed her MA in Scripture from St. John’s University (Collegeville, MN) in preparation for ordination to the diaconate and priesthood. She currently serves Spirit of Christ Catholic Community, an inclusive community, in Grand Rapids, MN. |
Corene Besetzny - Red Wing
Corene BesetznyPriest 2013 |
Corene Besetzny says, My journey toward priesthood has been life-long. After teaching with Peace Corps in Liberia, West Africa, I completed graduate programs in teaching and anthropology. While raising a faculty of three adopted children, two from Korea and one from Honduras, I was active in parish ministry for many years in the areas of marriage preparation, family life, RCIA, and social justice. During this time, I was an active Lay Franciscan. More recently, I received a Masters of Arts in Women’s Studies: Religion, Theology, and Ministry from United Theological Seminary in New Brighton, MN. I completed a Spiritual Direction Preparation Program at the Franciscan Spirituality Center in La Crosse, WI. Currently, I preside at the Celebration of the Word and the Eucharist at the House Churches and at Bay View Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Red Wing, MN. I was widowed for two years and remarried. I continue to work ten hours at Bay View in the volunteer program for brain injury and the elderly. |
Rosemarie Henzler - St. Cloud
Rosemarie Henzler, a native Minnesotan, knew as a child she was being called to priesthood but put it out of her head because “it wasn’t possible.” She stayed involved and remained active in various ministries in every Catholic parish of which she was a member. After her husband died suddenly in 1984, she went back to school and received degrees from St. Catherine’s University in English and Theology and was hired by Twin Cities Public Television as a publicist and outreach coordinator developing educational programs for schools and communities. In 1992 she married a longtime friend, Bill Henzler. After two years of retirement in Florida, they returned to Minnesota and bought a home in Park Rapids where Rose was hired by St. Peter’s Catholic Church as its liturgy director. Bill died in 2004, and circumstances found her settling in St. Cloud, MN where she discovered Mary Magdalene, First Apostle womanpriest community. She says, “I believe the Holy Spirit led me there, although it be in a roundabout fashion, to the people and place where I could finally say “YES!” to God’s call.” |
A. P. Hopper - Coon Rapids
A.P. Hopper is a support member for the Midwest Region.
Support Member 2017
Marty Meyer-Gad - Mankato
Marty Meyer-Gad lives in Mankato, MN with her husband, married son and grandchildren. Her MA in liturgy and certificate in pastoral liturgical ministries led her to Detroit and Chicago where she wrote Basics: a Liturgical Education Handbook and began the At Home with the Word series. Along the way she ministered as a parish liturgist, consultant, hospice visiter, hospital chaplain and presider of worship in prison. Having created many custom liturgies, in 1983 she danced down the aisle to preside with her husband, Bruno, at their wedding. Her journey to priesthood is told in her memoir, Seventy-Four Cents. Since her ordination she writes stories where women priests enable women, men and children to equally share their spiritual journey. Her Kimsara Detective Series highlights tweens enabling concrete change while breaking stereotypes. In Of Priests and Porcupines the fictional Molly Winters faces threats but outlines a papal plan for a Catholic Church of equals. Marty can be contacted through: or |
Josephine Petermeier - St. Louis Park
Josephine “Josie” Petermeier grew up on a farm in Northwest Iowa, the oldest of 5 girls. From an early age she felt called to be a priest and longed to say mass. She joined the convent, where she worked in the community’s retreat center and retirement home for 9 years. She earned her BA Theology from Creighton University in Omaha and then worked as a DRE for several years. She moved to Minneapolis and studied electronics and then worked as a Service Tech for 15 years. She met and married her husband Jerry, and they have two grown sons. She spent 15 years serving youth as a Scout Leader. She has always been active in her parish as a lector and EM and with RCIA. She volunteers with STEP, the local Emergency assistance program.. Currently, she is Co-pastor of Compassion of Christ Catholic Community in Minneapolis, and has Mass twice a month at a St Louis Park nursing home. For fun, she is a Geo-cacher with over a thousand finds. |
Kathy Redig - Winona
Kathy Redig, M. A. in pastoral ministries, served as a certified chaplain in hospice, acute and long-term care for 20 years, retiring in 2015. Through this ministry, she became aware that many besides herself felt disenfranchised from the Catholic church as well as other churches. Her call to priesthood came as a gentle invitation over the years wherein she chose first to enter the convent, taking another direction after 2.5 years, which included marriage. With her husband, she raised two children and has been blessed with one grandchild. Through all these experiences, the call toward priesthood continued and when the option became possible through Roman Catholic Womenpriests, she pursued it realizing she needed to become part of the change she hoped to see in the Catholic church. She found the program of discernment toward ordination, first as a deacon, after which she began forming a community around her and then ordination to priesthood most valuable and affirming of the call she felt long ago. After ordination, Kathy and her husband, Robert established All Are One Roman Catholic church in 2008. Their inclusive parish reaches out into the community through the local food shelf, the Catholic Worker homes and sharing most of their revenue with local, national and international organizations in need. AAORCC is a Vatican II parish where all are welcome at the table. |
Mary Frances Smith - Long Lake
Mary Frances Smith I am a retired registered nurse who worked in psychiatry for forty-three years, in staff and in leadership positions. My husband of forty-three years is my strongest advocate in all my endeavors. I am also supported by three adult sons, an adult stepdaughter, their spouses, and three grandchildren. I earned my Master of Arts Degree in Theology from The College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota. I have a certificate in spiritual direction from Christos. It has been as a Roman Catholic laywoman that I have always experienced the Church, the powerful social institution that framed my spiritual life from my birth. My belief in the progress of women in the Roman Catholic Church is very deep and strong. It is my joy to stand with women and men who bring life and growth to the Church. |
Bernadyne Sykora - Sartell
Bernadyne Sykora has longed to be at the altar to celebrate the liturgy of the Eucharist throughout her life. In her early adult life she spent five years in the Maryknoll community. After leaving there, she taught in various school districts in the state of Minnesota for 25 years, and earned a Master’s degree in education of children with special needs. She is currently taking classes from Global Ministries University in theology. She is on the leadership team of the Community of Mary Magdalene, First Apostle in St Cloud MN, which is pastored by RCWP Womanpriest Mary Smith. Working on the leadership team has afforded her with a view of the feminine Godde who gives her much comfort and joy. Bernadyne was married to Don for 49 years before his death, and together they raised four children; she has seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. |
Barbara West - Anoka
Biography coming soon
Linda Wilcox - Afton
Linda Wilcox I received my M.A. in Theology and Pastoral Ministry at the College of St. Catherine in 2005. I have been active in a variety of ministries through the years in my parish, including the Just Faith program. My husband and I belong to a small faith community. Most recently I have been involved in hospice, ministry to the homeless, and hospital chaplain ministry. I have been a Benedictine Oblate with St. Paul’s Monastery in Maplewood, MN. for eight years. I became interested in women’s ordination through exposure to the movement at the Call to Action gathering that I attend each year. I have a passion for cooking. As I discerned my call to the priesthood I felt a strong connection between planning and preparing a meal and the Benedictine value of hospitality. I now co-pastor Compassion of Christ Catholic Community in Minneapolis, MN where I gather at the table with community and celebrate the breaking of bread at an inclusive table where “all are welcome”. Linda and her husband Russ are parents of four grown children. |
Marybeth McBryan - St. Louis
Marybeth McBryan Marybeth has been heavily involved in parish ministries in the Archdiocese of St. Louis for nearly 30 years. A mother and grandmother, she is a former teacher in both parochial and public schools, and has also served on the Board of Education of the St. Louis Public Schools. Marybeth has a Master’s degree in education with secondary degrees in administration and counseling; she has accrued 40+ hours in theology, liturgy and religious education. |
Elsie Hainz McGrath - St. Louis
Elsie McGrathPriest 2007
Elsie Hainz McGrath pastors Therese of Divine Peace Inclusive Roman Catholic Community in Saint Louis, Missouri, which was founded on the First Sunday of Advent in 2007 and has met for weekly Sunday liturgies (celebrated at Saturday Vigil Masses) ever since. Therese also celebrates together on Christmas Eve, Holy Thursday and Good Friday; celebrates an annual Memorial Mass in November and an annual Epiphany retreat in January; and celebrates one another. We spend our meager income and our considerable talents on social justice and radical inclusivity. Elsie is happily available for weddings and holy unions, funerals and memorial services, baptisms, anointings, and other sacramental services as requested and/or needed, and is especially passionate about preaching. Theological degrees from the Saint Louis University Jesuits and Aquinas Institute Dominicans, catechetical certification from the Archdiocese of St. Louis, and extensive working relationships with the Redemptorists and Augustinians have rounded out a lifetime of ongoing studies and ministries that include international editor and writer, college campus minister, parish RCIA director, and statewide leader in marriage preparation; as well as program coordinator for the Great Waters Region from 2008-2015. A widow, she has four children, 12 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren. Email: Website: |
Judith McKloskey - Kansas City
Judith McKloskey first spoke up for women’s ordination when her fourth grade teacher said girls couldn’t be altar servers. A long time member of the Women’s Ordination Conference, she was active in Women’s Worship Circle and Never On Sunday, a group studying lectionary references to Biblical women. After earning a B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Library Science, Judith managed library networks and religious organizations for 20 years. During that time, she served her parish in many roles, including parish council president, lector and lay preacher. Judith is the second priest from Minnesota to be ordained, and the first to be ordained in Minnesota. Semi-retired, Judith accompanies people along their life journeys, and serves as a presider and sacramental minister for families and small faith communities. She serves as one of RCWP’s archivists. After many years in in Minnesota, Judith now lives in Missouri with her husband, near her daughter and family. |
Donna E. Burke - Amherst
Donna E. BurkePriest 2018 |
Donna E. Burke I felt the call at the age of 7 when I told my mother that I wanted to be a priest. A cradle catholic, I attended both a Catholic grammar school and Catholic High school. I am a recent graduate of Catholic Distance University where I attained my MA of Theology in Scriptural Studies. I am currently a student at Andover Newton Theological School where I hope to get my MDIV in 2019. My goal is to further my education and get my DMIN after completion of the MDIV program at ANTS. I am hoping to work in Hospice once I am ordained and finished with school. I would like to work with both the patients and the family members of those who are nearing end of life. I grew up in Fall River, Ma (home of Lizzie Borden) and have one brother and 3 fantastic nephews. I currently reside in Amherst, NH with my partner, Sue and our wonderful little puppy Malik (May – Lick) who is a 120 pound long haired German shepherd. |
Norma (Keefe) Harrington - Nashua
Norma (Keefe) Harrington felt Gods call as an eighteen year old but was unable to respond until 2006 when she learned of the women’s ordination movement. A cradle Catholic, educated by a traditional order of religious sisters, Norma has been active in parish work in Michigan where she grew up, and in the Boston area as well. Married to Jim for forty-six years, she and Jim have recently moved to Nashua NH. Norma is the mother of three and also a grandmother. She has a Masters degree in Nursing and is a semi-retired Hospice Nurse. She received a Masters degree in Theological Studies in 2012, specializing in feminist theology. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, gardening, yoga, running and reading. Contact Norma at |
Susan M. Schessler - High Bridge
Susan M. Schessler holds a Master’s Degree in Religious Studies from Providence College in Rhode Island. She is a New Jersey Certified teacher in the areas of Elementary Education and English. Susan taught elementary grades in New Jersey and Alabama before becoming the first Director of Religious Education in the Archdiocese of Newark NJ. As DRE she ministered in two parishes and was on the Staff of the Religious Education Center in the Archdiocese of Newark when Youth Ministry was introduced after Vatican Council II. She also served as liaison to the Directors of Religious Education in the Archdiocese. While residing and participating in the work of Genesis Farm in Blairstown NJ, Susan served on the staff of the Northeast Center for Youth Ministry housed in Paterson, NJ. Realizing the call to serve the poor in the inner-city of Newark NJ, Susan served as principal of an alternative junior high school founded and sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Caldwell, NJ. On leaving parish ministry Susan took a position with the public school system in East Orange NJ serving as mentor to over 25 alternate route teachers. At the closing of that position Susan retired and now serves the people of Newark, NJ as a volunteer Director of Development with Future Potential Youth Out Cry Foundation Inc./The H.U.B.B. (Help Us Become Better) an organization that strives to help youth and adults achieve their God-given potential. Susan’s call to priesthood is about oneness with God, celebration and service. You may contact Susan at |
Diane O'Donnell - Albuquerque
Diane O’Donnell lived her entire life in Minnesota. In 2006 she retired to New Mexico. After receiving her bachelor’s degree, she taught school then joined the Flurochemistry laboratories at 3M for 10 years as scientist, followed by becoming the first female purchasing agent at 3M. She then branched out to her own financial planning business receiving many decrees and licenses beyond a “financial planner”. During her time prior to retirement, she performed many ministries in the various Catholic parishes of which she was a member. Diane states that “Even though I was successful in my various careers and my church ministries, I still felt I was a round peg in a square hole. Now, in RCWP, I feel completed.” She can be reached at |
D. Alexandra Dyer - St. Albans
Alexandra DyerPriest 2014 |
Alexandra Dyer perceived a call to the priesthood at the age of seven, which lead to a decades long and spiritually rich journey through a number of faith traditions. Finding RCWP gave me confirmation that I truly could answer that early call to priesthood, and return home after half a century. I have always been active in my local parish and I see my ministry as particularly with those who are marginalized or rejected by society and oppressive power structures. I am a relentless advocate for animals, working to end all forms of abuse. I have a love of the mystery and sacredness in the rituals of our faith and the development of contemporary liturgical expression. I attended Union Theological Seminary (NY) for my M.Div., where my thesis focused on the Gnostic Implications of the Gospel of John. I also earned my MBA from the Columbia University School of Business. I am currently preparing to begin the Certificate program in Spiritual Direction at General Theological Seminary. I am a native New Yorker, proud of my Italian and Albanian descent, who has worked within not-for-profit human service and social justice organizations for the past almost four decades. I have the joy of being in a committed relationship with my partner of almost eight years, Nelson Padilla. We live in Queens, New York with our three cats and a menagerie of birds, raccoons, and other creatures who wander, and are welcomed, into our yard. |
Celie Katovitch - Rochester
Celie KatovitchPriest 2019 |
Celie Katovitch assists at Spiritus Christi Church (Rochester, NY), where she preaches, visits with folks, and celebrates Eucharist when requested by the pastors. She also works for Downtown Presbyterian Church, and is the organizer of Church Without Walls, a street ministry of presence in the heart of the city. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School and formerly a Universalist minister, Celie has served as a pastor since 2014. |
Patricia LaRosa - Rochester
Patricia LaRosa prefers to be called “Patti,” as it reminds her of her family of origin, a tight knit Italian American family with lots of aunts, uncles and cousins. She spent 22 years in a married relationship, raising two daughters. Patti recognized her call to ordained ministry in 1989 and pursued it by working toward a Master of Arts in Theology while working as a Pastoral Associate in a Rochester, NY parish. She also worked in hospice and loved the hours spent with families and caring for their dying loved ones. She spent 4 years exploring the possibility of ordination through the Episcopal Church, but discovered her Catholic roots and commitment while attending Union Theological Seminary in Manhattan. She graduated with a Master of Divinity in 2007, and became affiliated with Roman Catholic Womenpriests during her two years in Manhattan. Patti currently lives in Rochester, NY and serves as Chaplain to the Dignity-Integrity Rochester community, where she preaches and presides in a rotation with other local ministers and clergy. |
Eda Lorello - Sag Harbor
Eda Lorello was brought up in a devout home. Her mother taught her prayer; her father taught her justice. She did not attend Catholic school but loved going to Mass. Seduced by the candles, incense, statues, music and the mumbled prayers of the priest in Latin, she knew early on that she wanted to be a priest. In her teen years, she had a devotion to Mary, the mother of Jesus. She acknowledges that Mary brought Jesus to birth in her. She attended a secular college where she was introduced to Thomas Merton”s autobiography “The Seven Storey Mountain” which confirmed her own call to priesthood. Merton has been a mentor for her ever since. Eda has a MA in Theology from Immaculate Conception Seminary in Huntington, N.Y., a MS in Pastoral Counseling from Iona College, NYC. She is certified in Spiritual Direction, Music & Imagery and Mandala Assessment. She is also a Mid-Life/Long Life Directions Consultant and for 25 yrs. conducted workshops and retreats in Personal & Spiritual Growth in Mid-Life and Later Yrs. For 30 yrs. she worked professionally in parish ministry, in adult formation, peace & justice issues, Christian Parenting and updating Vatican II. She taught Theology & Christology in the Diocesan Formation Institute of Rockville Centre, N.Y. Eda is a Reiki practitioner and since ordination has pastored an Inclusive Catholic Community in her home for 4 yrs until physical limitation caused her to bring it to a close. Eda is the mother of 5 sons & 2 daughters, grandmother of 9,(3 of whom are married) and the great grandmother of 2. |
Karen Murphy - Suffern
Karen Murphy
Biography coming soon |
Chava Redonnet - Rochester
Chava Redonnet has been the pastor of Oscar Romero Inclusive Catholic Church since 2010. She also works as a nursing home and hospital chaplain. A graduate of Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, she is the author of Standing in the Light, an account of the 1998 upheaval at Corpus Christi and the formation of Spiritus, and of Don’t Forget to Breath Glory and Bound in a River of Light. Chava has three grown daughters, Clare, Bridget and Emily, two of whom are now living in Rochester, much to her delight. |
Gabriella Velardi Ward - Staten Island
Gabriella Velardi Ward, B.F.A, A.A.S, B.Arch, M.Theo candidate – Gabriella has felt a call to the Roman Catholic Priesthood since the age of five. The institutional church’s rejection, based on gender, has led her to work in a number of non-traditional fields for women as well as in many areas of social justice. After her recent retirement from architecture, in addition to pastoring the St Praxedis Catholic Community, she is currently leading an environmental justice community working to protect their wetland from destruction by a developer. If this cannot be stopped, 18 acres of wetland will be turned into a very large strip mall and the danger of flooding will be increased. Gabriella has over twelve years of parish ministry including adult religious education, spiritual direction, organizing and leading retreats, teaching meditation and contemplative prayer. Her call also led her to explore vowed religious life, studying and spending time with the Cenacle sisters. She has explored other faith traditions including the Episcopal Church, Buddhism and Native American spirituality. Her love of learning has led her to study theology in the seminary and the continuing study, formally and informally, of theology, spirituality and psychology. She has been a justice advocate for women’s rights, animal rights, children’s rights, and the rights of the natural world. As a Roman Catholic Woman Priest, her ministries also include sacramental ministry and a Spiritual Direction ministry, specializing in survivors of child abuse. She is the mother of two and the grandmother of eight and can be reached at |
Kathleen McShane Bean - Centerville
Kathleen McShane BeanPriest 2015 |
Kathleen McShane Bean has been listening to the call of God for over 30 years. She is delighted to finally be able to answer “yes”. Kathy has worked as an RN in Emergency room and intensive care. She has been married for more than 45 years to Vic, enjoying living in New Mexico and Alaska in their younger years. They have two grown daughters and six grandchildren. Kathy completed the lay pastoral program at the Athenaeum of Ohio, earned a unit of CPE, and continued her studies completing MATS at United Theological seminary in Dayton. She has continued her hands-on healing by learning Reiki. Kathy has been thrilled to find The Living Beatitudes Community of Dayton who’s weekly services celebrate the freedom of the people of God and the dignity of people of all sexual orientations, genders, races and creeds. Kathy lives in Kettering, Ohio and may be contacted at |
Dagmar Braun Celeste - Kelleys Island
Dagmar Braun CelesteDanube 7 Womanpriest 2002 |
Dagmar Braun Celeste, MA, in Theology and Addiction Counseling, BA in Women Studies and Public Policy, APP, is an experienced Life Balance coach. Her autobiography, We Can Do Together / Impressions Of A Recovering Feminist First Lady was published by Kent State University Press, 2002. She was a board member of the Women’s Ordination Conference and Mary’s Pence, First Lady of Ohio twenty years ago, taught at Kent State University and published numerous articles. She is active in the hospice movement and lives at “The Tyrian Oasis,” a hermitage in Cleveland’s Inner City where she offers retreats, ritual celebrations and sacramental opportunities. Website: and email: |
Paula Ivory Hoeffer - Cinncinati
Paula Ivory Hoeffer serves the Resurrection Community in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is busy presiding at home masses, baptizing, anointing the sick, and being present to those who feel lost or marginalized. She is a former Sister of Notre Dame de Namur. She taught for 32 years as a Catholic educator, which has given her the wonderful opportunity to travel extensively worldwide through student exchanges. Paula is happily married for 46 years to Ed, her supportive and loving husband. She has three daughters who keep her alive and energized, and seven beloved grandchildren. She never imagined that she would become a woman priest, but received a definite call in prayer and has responded humbly and enthusiastically. |
Ann Klonowski - Independence
Ann Poelking Klonowski is a teacher who has taught preschoolers to adults. She earned a bachelor’s degree in education from Ohio State University and a master’s degree in religious studies from John Carroll University. She has been active in her church since her college days when she and her guitar were dragged to the front of the church. She is the mother of two adult children of whom she is ridiculously proud. She has two incredibly intelligent granddaughters, whom Ann was privileged to baptize. She lives in Cleveland (Lakewood), Ohio. She is currently inactive as a priest. |
Shanon Sterringer - Fairport Harbor
Shanon Sterringer, Ph.D., D.Min
Ordained a priest in Linz, Austria on August 3, 2019 by Bishop Christine Mayr-Lumetzberger, RCWP and Bishop Mary Eileen Collingwood, ARCWP. Shanon is the Founder and Director of the Hildegard Haus and the Community of St. Hildegard in Fairport Harbor, Ohio Academics: Shanon earned a Ph.D. (2016) in Ethical and Creative Leadership (focused on the leadership example of St. Hildegard of Bingen) from Union Institute & University in Cincinnati, Ohio; DMin (2012), M.Div equivalent (2010), and a MA in Theology (2007) from St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Seminary and Graduate School of Theology in Wickliffe, Ohio; MA in Ministry (2011) from Ursuline College in Pepperpike, Ohio; and a BA in Religious Studies (2003) from Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio. Prior to following her call to ordination, Shanon served as a certified lay ecclesial minister and master catechist in the Diocese of Cleveland for twenty-two years. In the parish she worked in the areas of catechetics, liturgical and pastoral ministry, parish administration, theology, and leadership training. Shanon has also worked closely with a missionary program in India for almost two decades. She has travelled to Bingen, Germany several times over the last few years to walk in the footsteps of Hildegard of Bingen for research and personal/professional development. She has also traveled to the Holy Land and India where she offered seminars on women and ecclesial leadership. Shanon is a well-seasoned retreat director and has offered numerous retreats for women and men on various topics, most notably topics relating to St. Hildegard of Bingen. She has recently published a book through Fortress-Augsburg Press, “30 Day Journey with St. Hildegard of Bingen” and is currently writing a new book on her call to ordained ministry to be published in 2021. Shanon has an active blog www.thegreenshepherdess. Family and Community: Shanon married Richard Sterringer in 1990. Richard is from the Philippines and they have three beautiful adult daughters. The Sterringer family currently reside in Fairport Harbor, Ohio in the Hildegard Haus rectory. They have been active in the local community for almost three decades. Shanon was named the Fairport Harbor Citizen of the Year in 2019 for her long-time dedication to the village. |
Helen Moorman Umphrey - Dayton
Helen Moorman Umphrey is a farmer’s daughter from Ohio. In her early teens she entered the Sisters of the Precious Blood in Dayton, Ohio, and was a member for 26 years. She has served as a teacher, principal, parish music minister, and in administration for the community. She was married to Frank Umphrey for 32 years. and lived in Battle Ground, WA where she served in the parish as a Director of Religious Education and Pastoral Associate for 25 years. She retired, but continued many Cathoic/Christian group processes from her home. She has a BA from the University of Dayton, and an MA in Pastoral Ministry from St. Mary’s University in Winona, WI., and many credits and certificates in various Catholic/Christian areas. Living Spirit, an Intentional Eucharist Community, was formed in 2012, in Battle Ground WA. Helen served as leader of worship for four years. Today that community continues to meet twice a month, with several persons alternating the role of presider. The community continues to be vibrant, though having an ordained RCWP as presider only occasionally. In 2016 she sold her properties and moved to Friendship Village, a retirement community, where she continues to be active in ministry of various kinds. She is a member of Living Beatitudes Community, an inclusive group of Christians, and leads the worship when needed, to assist four other ministers, one other of whom is a Roman Catholic WomanPriest. |
Vieda Baker - Hillsboro
Vieda BakerOrdained Priest 2022Ordained Deacon 2021 |
Vieda Baker, a native Californian raised Catholic, began her parish work at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church in L.A. at the age of 13. For over 25 years she served the parish as a Liturgy committee member, Gospel Choir singer, CCD Educator and Sanctuary Designer. Her college career began at Immaculate Heart College School of Music in 1970 after graduating from Immaculate Heart High School. She retired early from Law Enforcement as a Communications Manager in 2005, moved to Oregon to be with her family and returned to Portland State to finish her College Education at the age of 60. She was a member of St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Parish, where she began a Scripture Study for women. As a Eucharistic Minister, while in Seminary, she began interning as Chaplain at the Portland VA and the Family Promise Shelter. She completed her BA at Portland State University in 2012, her MDiv from Marylhurst University in 2016 where she first learned of RCWP and shared her call with Rev. Penny Donovan. Vieda’s Ministry Thesis is Hospitality: A Paradigm of Hope for Dysfunctional Families, daily scripture text meditations and Grief counselor. She is currently Priest in residence with the Holy Wisdom Inclusive Catholic Community, in Olympia and rotating Celebrant for the newly forming Living Waters Community in Seattle. The vibrance and energy of the Holy Spirit Wisdom Sophia enables her to see God in every person. |
Sandra DeMaster - Newberg
Sandra DeMasterPriest 2009 |
Sandra Joy DeMaster was raised in the Protestant tradition. After earning Theology and M.Div. degrees, she served several years as a pastoral associate for two priestless parishes before being ordained to the priesthood through RCWP in 2009. The Lumen Christi Inclusive Catholic Community in McMinnville, Oregon was established under her leadership and continues to evolve subsequent to her retirement in 2019. Beyond formal theological education, Sandra counts as her most valuable preparation for pastoral ministry her 50 years of service as a Minister of Domestic Affairs. She still delights in loving and serving her family of 6 children and 9 grandchildren. She also hosts other spiritual seekers in spiritual direction conversations and continues her own journey of personal spiritual quest and promotion of gender egalitarianism. |
Suzanne Thiel - Portland
Suzanne Avison ThielPriest 2008
Suzanne Thiel (Suz) is a woman of actions not words and in her prior experience was an associate of a religious women’s congregation, Eucharistic minister, author of the Inventory of Habilitation Programs for Mentally Handicapped Adults, a Portland State University educator, developed and managed the Teen Parent Program for Roosevelt High School, and was a board member of several non-profits organizations serving: the mentally ill, dyslexic children, catholic schools, developmentally disabled adults, to name a few. She is also currently a neighborhood emergency (disaster response) NET team member. As a native Oregonian, she has been married to Bruce for 43 years where they raised their three adult sons and now enjoy five grandchildren. Suzanne has a MA in Education and 50+additional graduate hours in counseling and psychology and was Jesuit-trained in theology and philosophy from the University of Santa Clara. She was ordained a priest on April 9, 2008 in Stuttgart Germany and a bishop for the RCWP Western Region on October 1, 2018 in Aptos, California. Her current ministries include: hospital chaplaincy, volunteer ministry at three assisted living facilities, home visits to the sick and elderly, providing the sacraments and serving in ministries of weddings, funerals, baptisms and the shared leadership ministry of RCWP. |
Toni Tortorilla - Portland
Toni Tortorilla is a psychotherapist and spiritual director in Portland, Oregon with an MDiv from a Jesuit theological school. She has been in the counseling field for 30 years, landing there originally in an attempt to pursue the calling to ordination that had seemed to pursue her relentlessly since she was 5 years old. She completed a B.A. in Theology just after the conclusion of Vatican II, and worked as a DRE during the early transition years. She taught high school religion, got fed up with the hierarchy and its position on women, followed other wise and transformative spiritual paths for 20 years, then came around full circle to the heart of the RC tradition once again. After returning, Toni soon found herself in a parish working with a team of people interested in reaching out to disenfranchised and alienated Catholics. When anti-gay initiatives came before the voters of Oregon she approached a sympathetic priest with the idea for an outreach ministry to the gay and lesbian community. He was enthusiastically receptive, and this pastoral experience became the launching pad for her application and acceptance into seminaryry. |
Eileen McCafferty DiFranco - Philadelphia
Eileen DiFrancoPriest 2006 |
Eileen McCafferty DiFranco R.N., M.A.Ed., M.Div., is a writer, community volunteer, and a registered nurse who works at a busy urban high school in Philadelphia. Ordained a priest in Pittsburgh in 2006, she serves as the pastor of The Community of Saint Mary Magdalene which meets each Sunday in a suburb of Philadelphia. Eileen is the first woman priest to preside at Dignity, Philadelphia. She also has a very busy wedding ministry. Eileen, and her husband Larry, have a daughter, three sons, and two grandchildren. |
Caryl Conroy Johnson - Springfield
Caryl Conroy Johnson is involved in pastoral and interfaith ministry. She co-pastors the St. Mary Magdalene Community, an intentional catholic community in Drexel Hill, PA and is a member of the Upper Darby Ministerium. She is also a spiritual director and leads retreats and theological reflection groups. For 15 years Caryl had served as Pastoral Associate at St. Francis of Assisi Church, Springfield, PA, working in bereavement, ministry to the sick, youth ministry, worship, and interfaith events. Prior to that she was a CYO basketball coach and was involved in liturgical ministries and marriage preparation. She has a M. A. in Religious Studies, St. Charles Seminary and a M. S. in Spiritual Direction, Neumann University. She is happily married with 3 adult children. Caryl has published the story of her call to priesthood “My Journey into Freedom” available on She can be reached at |
Kathleen Gibbons Schuck - Blue Bell
Kathleen Gibbons Schuck’s energy is grounded in wholehearted living and inter-spirituality. She is a member of the pastoral team at the community of St. Mary Magdalene in southeastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey ( As a natural connector, Kathy’s perspective is colored by her diverse experiences in corporate telecommunications sales and training; building relationships and raising funds for an international faith-based organization; and coaching individuals and teams. Kathy facilitates workshops and partners with people to accelerate identifying and achieving their goals. Kathy enjoys officiating and creating custom ceremonies to celebrate life’s transitions (anniversaries, anointings, baptisms, burials, funerals, memorial services, and weddings Kathy holds a Masters of Theology from Global Ministries University and a Bachelors in Science in Sociology from Rosemont College. She is an International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach (PCC). Kathy lives in Blue Bell, PA, with her husband, Stan, and her daughter, Ann. Kathy’s email |
Mary Steinmetz - Chalfont
Mary Steinmetz earned a Master of Arts degree in Holistic Spirituality from Chestnut Hill College and a Master of Theological Studies degree in Historical/Systematic theology from Boston College. She is particularly interested in the place where theology and spirituality intersect; the place where faith is lived out and the Spirit is found provoking, challenging, energizing and bringing new life. Mary has served as a chaplain, teacher, conference planner, admissions director and administrative professional in higher education. She is a level II Reiki practitioner. Mary currently lives in Chalfont, Pennsylvania and is a single parent and the proud mother of one amazing adult daughter. She was called forth into ministry by the Spirit of Life: A Catholic Community of Justice and Joy in Weston, MA and now worships with the St. Mary Magdalene Community in Drexel Hill, PA. Mary can be reached at |
Kathleen Blank Riether - Arlington
Kathleen Blank Riether
Kathleen Blank Riether has felt the Spirit’s calling to ministry and service throughout her life, leading her on many different paths before she applied to RCWP’s preparation and discernment program as a candidate for ordination in 2016. During her college years, Kathleen was a volunteer and intern in economically depressed communities, writing grants for a community organizing project and working in many parish ministries. She obtained a degree in theology and for several years taught religion and psychology in Catholic high schools. After pursuing a masters degree in organizational planning and certification as a mediator, Kathleen worked as a program analyst for a decade. During that time, she also served as a volunteer mediator in several community conflict resolution programs, before obtaining a law degree and working as a federal civil rights attorney until she retired in 2017. Throughout her career, Kathleen remained actively engaged in ministry and service through her worship communities and her deepening interest in the contemplative life. Before retirement, she completed several programs on spiritual formation offered through the Shalem Institute. After her husband Rick’s passing, she felt the Spirit’s call to share the practice of Centering Prayer through service to Contemplative Outreach of Maryland and Washington, where she is currently on the leadership team. Kathleen is also working toward certification as a facilitator of contemplative prayer groups and retreats through the Shalem Institute and continues to serve in various ministries at her worship community, Communitas, an intentional eucharistic community, and at Dignity Washington, a support and worship community serving LGBTQI Catholics in the metropolitan Washington area. |
Ann Penick - Alexandria
Ann PenickPriest 2011 |
Ann Penick is originally from the Chicago area. She and her husband, Jim, live in Maryland near Washington, DC. They have been married for 25+ years. Ann has long been an active member of the Roman Catholic Church. She has done ministry volunteer work as a music minister, minister in sacred dance, retreat facilitator, a member of the liturgy team at various parishes where she’s been a member, and a member of welcoming and hospitality committees. In 1993 Ann received a certification in lay ministry from the Diocese of Birmingham, in Alabama. In 1995 Ann received a Masters in Counseling degree from the University of Birmingham in Alabama. In 1997 she completed 3 units in CPE at Bon Secours/St. Francis Hospital in Charleston, SC. In 2008, Ann received her Masters in Pastoral Ministry degree from Boston College. Ann served as chaplain to college students from1997-2008—with the Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina and with the Archdiocese of Boston. She came face-to-face with her calling to the priesthood in 2005 at the WOW conference in Canada. She has been supported in her journey to the priesthood by Jim, her step-daughter, Katie, her step-son, Mike, and her brother, Rob. Currently, Ann works as a mental health counselor at a Maryland community college. In her spare time Ann enjoys music, dance, travel, her granddaughter Meg, and their cat, Numbers. |
Kathleen Bellefeuille-Rice - Olympia
Kathleen Bellefeuille-Rice has felt called to the priesthood since she was seven years old. She received her early formation in radical Catholicism from being a Catholic Worker, from working in her large vegetable garden, and from raising her two children. Years of training as a catechist, specializing in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, strengthened her love of scripture, liturgy, sacraments, and celebration. In 2013 she received her Masters in Religious Education from Graduate Theological Foundation. Currently, she is with Holy Wisdom Inclusive Catholic Community in Olympia, WA. She spends her free time doing foot care with the homeless, cooking dinners at a local soup kitchen, and hanging out with her husband Dave. |
Lisa Gosiaco - Lacey
Lisa GosiacoSupport Member 2017 |
Lisa Gosiaco is a support member for RCWP and the administrator for the Western Region. She is a Certified Spiritual Director and works in non-profit administration. |
Donna Johnson-Smith - Olympia
Donna Marie Johnson-Smith entered the religious community of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia at the age of 19, her first response to her sense of call to serve. During the next 15 years, she completed her undergraduate degree and went on to receive her Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from Santa Clara University. She ministered in a number of settings throughout the Northwest, until she felt she no longer belonged in religious life. Donna worked for Catholic Community Services in Tacoma, WA, for the next 8 years, from 1985 to 1993, when she returned to school for a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. She met her life-partner, Joy, in 1987 and was in this loving relationship until Joy’s death in 2014. After receiving her doctorate, she opened a private practice in Elma, WA, and spent the next 10 years working with individuals, families, and sexually abused women. She then went on to work for the next 10 years in the Washington State Prison System with incarcerated men, retiring in 2017. Shortly after retirement, Donna was introduced to the Roman Catholic Womenpriests by Diane Whalen. She became a member of Holy Wisdom Inclusive Catholic Community in Lacey, Washington, where both Diane and Kathleen Bellefeiulle Rice served as priests. It was not long before she again felt the call to serve the people of God through ordination with RCWP. In 201 9 she met her wife-to-be, Janis Johnson, who was a retired Episcopal priest. Janis was very supportive of her efforts toward ordination. They were married on September 13, 2020. Donna completed her Master of Theology from Global Ministries University. She was ordained a Deacon on May 2, 2021 and continues on her journey to priesthood. She hopes to be of service to Holy Wisdom Community, and to find a way to reach out to the LGBTQ Community, offering a safe place to worship and explore their rightful place amongst the people of God. |
Diane Smith Whalen - Olympia
Diane Smith WhalenPriest 2010 |
Diane Smith Whalen loves people and finds great joy serving Holy Wisdom Inclusive Catholic Community in Olympia, WA. She experienced a call to priesthood when she was very young and answered that call in whatever ways were available to her in parish ministries, as a Jesuit Volunteer, social worker, spiritual director and teacher/ supervisor of spiritual directors. She completed a BA in Religious studies, Masters in Social Work, MA in Ministry and D. Min in Spiritual Direction and continues her work of spiritual direction. She and her husband, Bill have been happily married 42 years and have two adult daughters. Diane enjoys singing, traveling, cooking, taking walks and spending time with family and friends. She believes passionately that all Christian ministry flows from baptism and that her ordained priesthood is the way she has been invited to express that baptismal call to service. Diane invites you to visit their community’s website to meet the wonderful people she gets to do life with at |
Alice Marie Iaquinta - West Bend
Alice Marie IaquintaPriest 2007 |
Alice Marie Iaquinta, M.Div., ABD for Ph.D., M.A., B.A., A.A. “My ordination was an act of surrender to the Spirit and obedience to God, not an act of defiance of the Church. I want to see the reforms of the Vatican II Council fulfilled. We are the ‘new springtime’ that Pope John XXIII and the Council recognized; we are the ‘signs of the times.” Alice taught college for four decades before she answered her call to priesthood soon after graduating with honors from St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, WI in 2006. In 2010, she and a married priest founded the Mary of Magdala, Apostle to the Apostles Catholic Church in Milwaukee, WI, an inclusive Vatican II Catholic community. |
Irene Senn - Franksville
Irene Senn My journey to ordination began when I was a child but, of course, “women can’t be priests,” so I allowed myself to veer from the path, since at that point there was no path. However, it seems that my entire life has prepared me for ordination, even when the path was not apparent. Following the promptings of the Spirit I earned an MDiv degree from St. Francis Seminary in Milwaukee in 1992. That same Spirit, which always leads one into the unknown, guided me during the 20-plus years of service in justice and peace ministry with a congregation of women religious. And, by its raising a recurring question over the course of several years, I finally was able to discern the voice of the Spirit who has been so very patient with me, allowing me to move towards ordination at the right time. The journey continues, still into the unknown, but I have come to trust her leadership. Thus far she has led me to serve a growing House Church community in southeastern Wisconsin for over five years. My husband, Bob, and I have four adult children and nine grandchildren and we are fortunate that they all still live in the area. |
Kathy Sullivan Vandenberg - Waukesha
Kathy Sullivan Vandenberg, MS, M.Div., is a feminist theologian, clinical therapist, and trauma specialist. She serves as an associate pastor at Good Shepherd Parrish, Nenno, WI. Ms. Vandenberg’s current ministries include counseling, adjunct graduate educator, and hospital chaplain. For the past 30 years she was active in several ministries in her parish and archdiocesan committees. She has two grown daughters and one grandson. Kathy has been active in the women’s ordination movement for over thirty years. |
RCWP Worldwide Ordained Members
Marie Bouclin
Marie Bouclin
Marie Bouclin Marie Evans Bouclin, a former nun and high school teacher, worked as a free-lance translator in religion and ethics for over twenty years. She is serving a second term on the national work group of the Catholic Network for Women’s Equality (CNWE) and was coordinator of Women’s Ordination Worldwide from 2002-2006. Marie was ordained a deacon in August, 2006, and will be ordained to the priesthood on May 27, 2007 in Toronto. Her area of ministry is to women who have been abused by clergy. She is the author of Seeking Wholeness: Women dealing with abuse of power in the Catholic Church (Liturgical Press, 2006). |
Roberta Fuller
Roberta Fuller
Roberta Fuller was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She spent her first career with Air Canada in various capacities. Since she has traveled extensively and lived all over the world including both Montreal and France, she is therefore bilingual. Her academic degrees consist of an added B.Ed. to her undergraduate B.A.Hons., to begin a distinguished secondary school teaching career. Roberta continued on to graduate with a Masters of Education. She was then nominated for the Governor General’s Outstanding Teacher Award, and because of her writing, was invited by both the University of Virginia and Common-wealth University of Va. to do further research on slavery. She was twice invited to Stratford Hall, the historic site and the birthplace of Thomas Jefferson, and finally, she was invited by Cambridge University in England, to do follow-up work on the Civil Rights Movement. Roberta has also been a local representative on the Status of Women Committee in Ontario, and a member of the OSSTF Human Rights’ Executive. She was the first recipient of the James Forster Human Rights’ Award for both the promotion of equity and human rights. As a volunteer, she has taken medical supplies to the Canadian hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan three times and was awarded the YMCA Peace Medal. Roberta also served for several successive terms on the Board of Directors for Women’s Resources, a shelter for abused women and children which also operates second-step housing, and many outreach programs for both child witnesses and adult victims of abuse. As a priest, Roberta continues to find the opportunity to serve God, her community and beyond as the ultimate honour, privilege, and responsibility. |
Monica Kilburn-Smith
Monica Kilburn-Smith
Monica Kilburn-Smith, M.T.S., Grad. Dip. Dance Therapy, B.A. Fine Arts) is a certified professional chaplain (Canadian Association of Spiritual Care), currently working as Spiritual Care Director/Chaplain in a hospice. Monica has two teen-aged daughters and lives in Calgary, Alberta (Canada), where she is the priest of St. Brigid of Kildare Catholic Faith Community ( She is a trained Spiritual Director, Reiki Master and Healing Touch Practitioner, and is now studying for her Doctor of Ministry degree. Monica is passionate about creative work in the intersections of spirituality, pastoral care, liturgy and the arts. She is committed to the development of healthy faith communities and to the empowering of women in claiming their wisdom, beauty and agency as beloveds of God. Monica can be emailed at |
Jane Kryzanowski
Jane KryzanowskiRegina, SK
Jane Kryzanowski is the servant leader of Mary of Magdala Inclusive Catholic Community in Regina, SK. Eucharist is celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. From being shamed into silence as a child for expressing an interest in being a priest, Jane has re-emerged in her wisdom years to respond to the Divine Call. Following rigorous discernment and the program of preparation, she was ordained a Roman Catholic Woman Priest in 2015. She was chosen by her peers to be the sacramental and pastoral leader for RCWP Canada and was ordained Bishop in 2018. Jane’s background is a combination of education and administration. She holds a BA Ed.-Religious Studies and an MBA in Human Resources along with advanced education certificates in theology and pastoral ministry. For more than 50 years she has been active in a broad range of pastoral ministry including sacramental preparation, hospital chaplaincy and parish administration. Besides being the servant leader of Mary of Magdala Inclusive Catholic Community in Regina, SK, she also provides a ministry of sacred listening to those seeking Divine Wisdom in the depths of their hearts. In keeping with the migratory tradition of the People of God, she is a proponent of evolutionary Christianity and inter-church connection coupled with radical discipleship as the way to fulfilling the core mandate of Jesus to “love one another as I have loved you.” |
Victoria Marie
Victoria Marie
Victoria Marie was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and moved to Canada in 1965. Pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Tonantzin Inclusive Catholic Community, she has been a spiritual director since 1997 and worked in parish ministry as the coordinator of adult religious education for six years in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver until 2002. She completed her BA (Sociology and Anthropology) and MA (Anthropology) at Simon Fraser University. She has a PhD from the University of British Columbia (Educational Studies), a Master of Pastoral Studies (Spiritual Direction), from the Vancouver School of Theology. She is a researcher, activist and co-founder of the Vancouver Catholic Worker. Her social justice interests have taken her to Kenya and Mexico; to Colombia with Witness for Peace; and to Asubpeeschoseewagong Netum Anishnabek (Grassy Narrows First Nation) in north-western Ontario with Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT). |
Linda Spear
Linda Spear
Linda Spear was born in Winnipeg , Manitoba , Canada in 1940 and raised in Winnipeg by her adoptive parents. After completing high school and a BA she entered the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary where she remained for five years, completing her novitiate and teaching junior and senior high school. After completing a BEd and and MA in medieval history at University of Manitoba, she taught high school and then began studies for a Licentiate in Medieval Studies at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, and a PhD in medieval studies at University of Toronto. Thesis topics were: Aelred of Rievaulx and Julian of Norwich, Meditation Techniques in the Twelfth Century and The Treatment of Sexual Sin in Irish Latin Penitential Literature. After completing her studies in Montréal, Linda taught for many years at the high school and college levels in Montréal, at the same time completing an MA in Pastoral Theology in French at the Université de Montréal. During this time she served as a volunteer chaplain at the Newman Centre, McGill University , and President of Dignity, Montréal. Finally, after thirty years of teaching, she retired to the ski resort of Sutton in the Eastern Townships of Québec, southeast of Montréal. In Sutton she became involved in the ecumenical movement which sponsors discussion groups, guest speakers, and ecumenical celebrations. She celebrates weekly Eucharists at Grace Anglican Church. She is available for pastoral counseling and sacramental ministry. |
Kim Sylvester
Kim Sylvester
Kim Sylvester, born and raised in Maine, now makes her home with Robert Rinfret, her French-canadian husband, in British Columbia. Since ordination she leads LIVING WORD Inclusive Faith Community, and is active with other clergy women (various churches) in a meditation group, in public coffee shop ministry; plans are underway for leading a women’s spirituality & prayer circle. She has worked in many areas of the arts, mostly teaching at college and university levels: history of art, architecture, and culture. After she accepted a call to use her musical/vocal skills in the francophone liturgy program being developed post-Vatican II in the archdiocese of Quebec, Kim was active in the liturgy training program for ten years and is still imbued with desire to continue to teach and share this learning, especially in today’s Church climate of returning to the past. In a non-specific way, her call to priesthood came early, after growing up in the Baptist church! Kim entered the RC church at 19 and continued to desire to follow Jesus. “I didn’t know exactly how it would develop in my life, but was confident that God would show me!” Now as a very happy womanpriest, she is a grandmother of five, still maintains her music teaching studio, and is a determined supporter of justice for women in all areas of life. |
Ruth Wasylenko - In Memoriam
Ruth Wasylenko
Ruth Wasylenko wanted to be a priest since she was a little girl. Two grand uncles were priests and they used to have the Eucharist in their home from time to time. She was smitten. She spent 24 years in religious community thinking that was the next best thing. In the meantime she received a B.Ed from the University of Calgary and for the best part of her career taught special needs middle school teens and helped adapt the Religious Ed program to meet their needs. Further studies gave her a M.Div. from Newman Theological School in Edmonton, Canada, then a M.Th. from St. Stephen’s College at the University of Alberta. Pastoral ministry in many areas was an avocation over the years. Chronic illness had plagued her for the past 20 years and in the fall of 2011 she was diagnosed with an aggressive, inoperable form of lung cancer. God called her to priesthood, so she was grateful to have the time to respond in Edmonton. |
Geneviève Beney
Geneviève Beney
Geneviève Beney was born in Paris (France) in 1949. In past she was in charge of cultural and sports activities (secondary school). She had theological diploma of Strasbourg University. She married Albert Ratz in 1989 (widowed who has three children and six grandchildren and one great- grandchild). Geneviève shared Albert’s retired activities: archeology, historical research (local area). She was ordained as deacon in 2004 on the Danube River and as priest in June 2005 on Rhône and Saône in Lyon with great Albert’s support although he was Protestant (Reformed Church). Albert died recently in November 2010. Two charisma of Geneviève: inventiveness (particularly dance) and listening attentively to people. She have responsibility of discernment about candidates for ordination in France. email: |
Gisela Forster
Gisela ForsterDanube 7
Gisela Forster (Dr.), one of the foremothers of RCWP, was born in Munich to parents from Bavaria and Hungary. She studied Catholic theology, philosophy, arts and architecture at the Technical University of Munich. On June 29, 2002, Forster and six other women, known as the Danube Seven, were ordained priests aboard a boat on the Danube River, near the town of Passau. In 2003 she was ordained a bishop, and as such she has served RCWP by officiating at the ordination of women in Canada, Western Europe and the USA. She is a member of the German organization, Gruppe Maria Magdala, Priesteramt fur die Frau, which promotes priesthood for women. Her ministry has included care of the home bound and work in the creative arts. Prior to her marriage to Anselm Forster in 1989, she was employed as a teacher at the Benedictine Schaftlarn School, and since the 1990’s she has been a professor of art in Munich. In addition, she was elected to the district council of Starnberg in 1989, serving as chairperson on the council until 2002. She is a mother and a grandmother. |
Roberta Meehan
Roberta MeehanPriest 2006 |
Roberta Meehan is a university biology teacher, a professional science writer, and an invited speaker on the bio-theology of sex and gender. Her ministries include teaching, writing, public speaking, and internet-based theological communications — particularly in the areas of scripture, church documents (including the Documents of Vatican II), and bio-theology. A grandmother, a divorcee, and an avid tennis player, Roberta Meehan shares her home with her three dachshunds. |
Ida Raming
Ida RamingDanube 7
Ida Raming was born in 1932 in the northwestern part of Germany and studied philosophy, education, theology and German in Münster and in Freiburg/Breisgau. After her first state examination (in high school education) she continued her theological studies in Münster. During Vatican Council II, in 1963, together with Dr. Iris Müller Ida received her doctorate in theology from the University of Münster in 1970, and her thesis was titled “The Exclusion of Women from Priesthood: Divine Law or Gender Discrimination?” which was later published in Germany in 1973 (Böhlau Verlag, Köln / Wien); an English translation of her thesis was published by Scarecrew Press in 1976, a second edition in 2004). Ida has published numerous books and articles on the history and theology of women, especially on the position of women in the Roman Catholic Church. She states:”Considering the continuing oppression of women by the Vatican regarding their baptismal right to ordination, especially the definitive decision of Pope John Paul II against the priesthood of women (Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, 1994), in my view the doors to women’s ordination were closed. Therefore I did not expect any reforms through dialogue and action within the system. I decided, together with my friend and colleague Dr. Iris Müller, after a lifelong struggle for women’s ordination, that the best – and possibly at this juncture the only – way forward was to transgress canon law (c.1024 CIC), relying on the word of Holy Scripture: “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).” On June 29, 2002, Ida Raming was one of the original seven women who were ordained to the Roman Catholic priesthood. This took place on the Danube River. In June, 2006 she was ordained a Roman Catholic womanbishop in Stuttgart, Germany. |
Christine Hassenstab
Christine HassenstabPriest |
Christine Hassenstab was raised in Wabasso, Minnesota. She graduated from St. Ann (Area) High School in 1967, having been taught by the School Sisters of Notre Dame from Mankato. Chris was arrested twice for civil disobedience at the Bangor Trident Nuclear Submarine Base in Bangor, Washington along with others from “Live Without Trident” and spent time in jail after her conviction. After receiving a BS in Biology from The Evergreen State College she attended law school in San Francisco and received her JD in 1984. Thereafter, she worked as a public defender. On 9.11.2001 she moved to Trondheim, Norway with her partner, Sabrina P. Ramet, a Professor of Political Science. On 30 April 2010, she publically defended and received her PhD in Sociology from NTNU, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. The PhD dealt with science and ethics, focusing on the eugenics movement in Norway and the USA. While working at NTNU, she is also finishing a Masters in Theology. Chris and a small group meet twice a month for a Liturgy of the Word and prayer. The group, a “huskirke” (house church), is also involved in social justice issues, especially focusing on the treatment of the Roma in Norway, sustainability/environmental issues and homophobia in the Roman Catholic Church. She can be reached at: |
Morag Liebert
Morag Liebert
Morag Liebert was born in Edinburgh, Scotland and studied for an M.A. (Ordinary) in Biblical Studies and Moral Philosophy with Nursing Studies and later for a M.Sc. in Nursing Education at the University of Edinburgh. In her career in the nursing profession she worked as a Health Visitor (Public Health Nurse) and for a number of years taught community care and health subjects in the South Lothian College of Nursing and Midwifery in Edinburgh. From 1994 to 2009 she was active in the UK campaign for the ordination of women to the priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church and since 2001 she has worked as a volunteer with abused women. When she retired she returned to the University of Edinburgh to study for a B.D. with Honours in Divinity. She offers a monthly house Mass and once or twice a year she teaches a short course of Bible Study from a feminist standpoint. She may be contacted at |
Patricia Fresen
Patricia Fresen, D.Th., formerly of South Africa, studied theology for seven years in Rome at the University of St. Thomas and at the Gregorian and obtained a Licentiate in Theology. Upon her return to South Africa in 1988, she was invited to join the faculty of the National Seminary in Pretoria, where she taught Sacramental Theology, Spirituality and Homiletics. She completed her doctoral studies and thesis and obtained the Doctorate in Theology in May 1996 through the University of South Africa; and shortly thereafter she accepted a position on the Faculty of the Catholic University in Johannesburg. As a direct result of her ordination to the priesthood in 2003, Patricia was forced to leave the Dominican Order in South Africa, of which she had been a member for 45 years; and she had to vacate her position at Catholic University. She subsequently left her homeland to take up residence in Germany, where she continues to live and to serve the mission and goals of RCWP. Ordained a bishop in 2005, Patricia has been the presiding bishop at many ordinations in Europe, Canada and the USA. As the International Training Program Coordinator for RCWP, her primary ministry has been oversight and development of the Training Program, which prepares candidates for ordination to the priesthood. Since handing over the care of the Training Program in the USA to others, she has continued to oversee the Training Program in Canada and Europe West. Patricia is a well-respected and well-known conference speaker and retreat leader in the USA, Canada, Europe, South Africa and Australia. |
Ann Ralston
Ann RalstonPriest 2016 |
Ann Ralston was born in Cape Town, South Africa in 1936, and has lived there most of her life. She joined the Pallottine Sisters in 1962, and in the late 70’s completed her medical degree, going on to work in State clinics during the years of apartheid. Ann also taught in an adult education night school in one of South Africa’s black townships. Over the years, she has served as spiritual companion to many. Ann has always enjoyed hiking in South Africa’s mountains and coastland, and has deep love for South Africa’s plants, animals and birds. Now retired from her medical practice, she lives in a cottage with a small garden and view direct on to mountains. Ann will serve in priestly ministry with Rev. Mary Ryan, another RCWP priest in South Africa. They are both in discernment with a small faith community as to how to move forward, and what ministries will open up to Ann. Contact Ann on
Dianne Willman
Dianne WillmanPriest 2019 |
Dianne Willman has felt called by God to serve as priest since childhood. She was ordained in January 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Catholic since birth, Dianne has actively been engaged in her faith life and is drawn to a ministry on the margins by sharing especially the Eucharist with others. Dianne is also a South African lawyer. She has a strong sense of justice and as a prosecutor feels she can speak for victims of crime. As a trainer, she empowers prosecutors from all over Africa. Aside from a masters degree in law, she is currently completing her theology masters degree as well. Dianne facilitates reflection days and accompanies others in spiritual direction. She pastors a growing community in Johannesburg. |
Sarah Rule
Sarah Rule Deacon 2020
Sarah Rule grew up in a Jewish family in South Africa, attending Hebrew School for religious education until the age of 11. At the same time her parents sent her to a Catholic primary and then high school for her academic education. She formally converted to Christianity in the Anglican Church as a late teenager. She was involved in the anti-Apartheid struggle with a particular emphasis on the Church as a site of struggle. Sarah played a variety of roles in the Anglican Church including preaching, running children’s ministry, lay minister and church warden. Moving to the Western Cape three years ago Sarah and her husband joined the Open Table communities in Cape Town (led by RCWP Mary Ryan) and Somerset West (led by RCWP Ann Ralston) and with mentoring and guidance from Mary and Ann, Sarah has found a home for her call to ordained ministry in the RCWP movement. As deacon Sarah will continue to assist in the Open Table communities in Cape Town and Somerset West. She is beginning to form an Open Table community in Stellenbosch where she lives in an eco village. Sarah has worked in the field of disability rights and community based rehabilitation for 30 years. She initially trained as a speech therapist and audiologist. She has PhD in community based rehabilitation and she is currently completing a Masters in Theology. |
Mary Bernadette Ryan
Priest 2014 |
Mary Bernadette Ryan holds a doctorate in Theological Ethics, an Honours degree in Religious Studies and a post graduate teaching qualification. She is a qualified Soul Midwife, accompanying ‘friends’ transitioning to death, and currently runs a training programme for others in this ministry, as well as mentoring and creating retreat experiences for women. She serves the Open Table liturgical community in Cape Town. Mary is married to a very special man, Alan, is mother to four wonderful sons and 3 daughters-in-law, and is grandmother to four precious grandchildren. |
Gertrude Chen
Gertrude Chen Priest 2017 |
Gertrude Chen was ordained a deacon and priest in Baltimore, Maryland in July 2017. Gertrude is Chinese, lives in Taiwan, and is presently studying Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science (CNU). She has previously served as an assistant professor teaching social work at the University. |
Amina Jessy Wolf
Rev. Dr. Amina Jessy Wolf |
Amina Jessy Wolf, I was incardinated into RCWP-Region of the Holy Margins in 2023. Prior to that I was ordained a priest by the Old Catholic Order of Holy Wisdom in 2012. I received my priestly training under Bishop John Mabry of OHW, who trained me for seven years. I graduated with a DMin from Wisdom University, in Creation Spirituality. I have an MA in English Literature, BA in Journalism, from the California State University, both with minors in Writing. I was certified as a Spiritual Director from the Mercy Center in Burlingame CA, where I also studied Centering Prayer, the Ignatian Exercises, and leading spiritual retreats. I am a Reiki Master and Healing Touch 4th level Energy Healer. I have worked as a Hospice Chaplain for 15 years with one CPE year. In addition to my Catholic studies and ordination, I also have Sufi ordinations as a Cherag (minister) and a Sufi Healing Minister. I am trained as a Sufi Spiritual Healing Retreat Leader and Healing Circle Conductor. I am a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, which brings joy into my heart. |
Ruth Broeski - Portland
Ruth BroeskiPriest 2008RIP 2023 |
Ruth Broeski takes the Spirit seriously. As often happens when the Breath of God is in control, this has led to many different turns on the path of her life. When young, Ruth committed for a time to convent life in Los Angeles. Later, motivated by an abiding desire to serve people, she studied psychology and theology, worked as a high school teacher, as a deputy sheriff, and sojourned for a few years on an island in Washington state. Most recently, Ruth received an MA in spirituality, which included study of everything from Christian mystics to mandalas to new consciousness. Ruth lives in Portland, Oregon, where she is a spiritual director. |
Beverly Bingle - Toledo
Beverly BinglePriest 2013RIP 2023 |
Beverly Bingle, says that after serial careers in teaching, politics, government, and business, served in Catholic parishes in Ohio and Michigan as a Pastoral Associate, Director of Religious Education, and Pastoral Assistant from 1991 until her retirement in 2011. She pastors Holy Spirit Catholic Community in Toledo, where parishioners focus on mitigating climate change through their “Tree Toledo” ministry. Bev is an “urban hermit,” striving to live out the Gospel mandates of frugality, celibacy, and service on a half-acre plot in Toledo’s central city. She aims at becoming a “locavore,” sharing the produce of her large garden and flock of Barred Rock chickens with friends and neighbors. Bev holds a B.A. (The Ohio State University) and M.A. (Bowling Green State University) in English, an M.A. in Pastoral Ministry (Marygrove College) and a Doctor of Ministry (Ecumenical Theological Seminary). E-Mail: |
Claudia Adamson
Claudia Adamson(Great Waters Region)
Claudia N. Adamson had 6 younger brothers (no sisters) and was from Bayonne, NJ. She was a member of Sisters for Christian Community (SFCC) since 1972 and was also a registered medical technologist, MT(ASCP) with specialty certification as a Blood Bank Specialist, SBB(ASCP). She had a B.S. in Medical Technology, M.S. in Immunohematology and Masters in Business Administration (MBA). Claudia worked in hospital blood banks and blood donor center laboratories and retired as a laboratory manager after working for 41 years. She was also an executive real estate broker and real estate investor and had been licensed since 1987. Claudia was a member of the original group of people who got together to create the Womens Ordination Conference. She was also a member of the original group who created Women-Church-Convergence. For many years, Claudia and her partner focused on rescuing, feeding and caring for a variety of animals. Claudia worked with several rescue groups, was a chaplain for a local animal hospice group started a group for people who are dealing with the death of a pet. It is not a therapy group but a place where people can talk or just listen to others who have similar experiences. |
Maureen Andrew
Maureen AndrewPriest 2013RIP 2015 |
Maureen Andrew came to the United States from Australia in the summer of 1986. She received her Master’s Degree in Clinical Pastoral Counseling at Emmanuel College in Boston, MA in 1992. During and after her studies, Maureen worked at a community health clinic, where she ministered with clients through prayer and listening and pastoral care. Among her clients were families who had lost children to violence through drugs, gangs, and drive by shootings. Maureen visited homes in the neighborhood, including one where she prayed with a 14 year old girl who had been left to die by a savage knife attack in a park near public housing where she lived. Over the years, Maureen developed a passion for issues related to social justice advocating in her community for decent housing, affordable health care, quality education and enough for everyone to eat – as well as in nurturing the spirits of those she served. Maureen has served as Episcopal Chaplain for the Diocese of Boston, for members of their faith tradition living with the HIV/AIDS. Again, she visited clients in their homes and in hospitals; and ministered to their parents who, at this time in our country’s growing understanding of the AIDS epidemic, were filled with shame for what they considered to be their sons’ abhorrent lifestyles. Maureen continued her deep commitment to persons with AIDS, and to the LGBTQ community. As A Roman Catholic Woman Priest, Maureen’s ministry focused on serving as Outreach Minister to the LGBTQ Community on behalf of her faith community, The Spirit of Life: A Catholic Community of Justice & Joy. In this ministry, Maureen tended to the spiritual and pastoral needs of elderly men and women in the LGBTQ community who might not otherwise be open to the ministry of a Roman Catholic priest. Maureen’s gifts in the realm of grief counseling, compassionate listening, and heartfelt companioning to those who were lonely or isolated were a blessing to all she ministered to and with. Maureen shared her life and deep love with her spouse and companion of 29 years, Nancy Stephens. All who knew Maureen were touched by her passionate love of Jesus and all humanity, and her boundless sense of humor. She died in 2015 and is missed by all. |
Judy Beaumont
Judy BeaumontPriest 2012RIP 2018 |
Judy Beaumont led her entire life in service to God’s people. She entered the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago at seventeen and remained a Benedictine in loving service for 35 years. She was a teacher, director of religious education, refugee worker resettling Vietnamese refugees and a peace activist. She attained a bachelor’s degree from Mundelein College and a MRE degree from Loyola University. In 1981 she left Chicago for Connecticut to participate in the anti-nuclear peace movement near Groton and in 1982 was a member of the Trident Nein Plowshares Action. When released from prison she also helped establish My Sisters’ Place, a shelter and four tier program for homeless women and children and mentally ill women and men in Hartford, Connecticut. She and Judy Lee, (also a Roman Catholic womanpriest) and her partner in ministry and life since 1989, left Connecticut for Fort Myers Florida in 1998. Judy then began work in a mission parish and later served as Director of Faith Formation for a large parish. In 2003, she helped establish Good Shepherd Ministries of SW Florida and continues to serve the poor and homeless of greater Fort Myers. She was Co-Pastor of The Church of the Good Shepherd: An Inclusive Catholic Community and was active with the local chapter of Call to Action. Judy Beaumont was loved by a large community consisting of her biological family with many nieces and nephews who noted that she shaped their own lives of service and compassion and an extended family consisting of the “foster” children she helped to raise, their families, and her formerly homeless and church families in Chicago, Connecticut and Fort Myers, Florida. Judy’s legacy of self-giving service to Christ and the poor, the homeless and the brokenhearted continues on in the lives of those to whom she offered her full measure of love & compassion, concern & respect, welcome and inclusion. |
Janine Denomme
Janine DenommePriest 2010RIP 2010 |
Janine Denomme passed into new life on May 17, 2010. Janine, 45, cherished partner of Hon. Nancy Katz; beloved daughter of Robert and Mary Joan Denomme of Detroit, MI; granddaughter of Earl Van Wassenhove; dear sister of Joseph (Patricia), David (Linda), and Mark; treasured as a daughter and sister by Dorothy Katz, Judy and John Pasternak; devoted aunt of Stephanie (Nicholas), Joe, Christina, and Lauren Denomme, and Brian Pasternak. Ordained to the transitional diaconate on July 14, 2009 and to the priesthood on April 10, 2010 through Roman Catholic Womenpriests; friend, teacher, spiritual companion, priest, guide to many and inspiration to everyone who knew her. |
Claire Gareau
Claire GareauPriest 2016RIP 2018 |
Claire Gareau, a cradle Catholic, knew in the third grade she would join the School Sisters of Notre Dame. Entering directly from high school, Claire, then Sister Marie Jean Gareau, SSND, continued her education at the College of Notre Dame of Maryland earning a B.A. in Biology, while teaching seventh grade, and subsequently high school biology. Like many other religious sisters shortly after Vatican II, Claire decided to leave the convent. In 1970, Claire began a 25-year career with the New York Telephone Company. She also volunteered for her town’s First Aid Squad and found being an EMT very rewarding. Claire also did volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity in Belize. Two part-time jobs followed which she thoroughly enjoyed. In 2011, Claire decided to return to school full time to study theology, which she had wanted to do in the 1960s. She quickly earned an MA in Theology at Seton Hall University. While attending a Call To Action conference, Claire was introduced to Roman Catholic Women Priests (RCWP). The Eastern Region of RCWP knew Claire only for about 3-1/2 years. She came to us in the wake of Mary Ann Schoettly’s shocking death in 2014; she began her program of preparation and discernment, and was ordained a deacon in 2015. Claire was ordained a priest in 2016; she served the people of the Sophia Community in Sparta NJ for almost three years as deacon and priest; and in 2018, Claire died as suddenly and surprisingly as did Mary Ann. Though small, quiet, rarely in our spotlight, and not long enough with us, Claire was a powerhouse of grace. From years of being in recovery, Claire learned to be honest; she said only what she meant and meant exactly what she said. She was understanding and compassionate and knew exactly what people needed to hear when their souls were crying out to be fed. Claire’s way of being in the world, her courage, her heart for those at the margins, her steadfastness in pursuing ordination with RCWP, her love for the Sophia Community — Claire was our sister priest, showing us all what authenticity and integrity in a priest really meant. Paying no regard to social standing and never congratulating herself on her own wisdom, Claire was love without pretense, and our Region is all the better for having had her as one of our own. |
Alta Jacko
Alta JackoPriest 2009RIP 2015 |
Alta Jacko passed away June 5, 2015. She was born on Good Friday, April 6, 1928 in Chicago, Il., and lived on the Southside of Chicago with her mother and brother. She came from a loving and religious family, even though they had little in the way of material things, in the way of family values they were wealthy. Her mother loved her brother and her very much and made sure they understood that. Alta earned a bachelor degree in Education and a Master Degree in Music Education, from the Chicago Conservatory of Music, a Master Degree in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University of Chicago, and a Master of Jurisprudence in Child and Family Law from Loyola University of Chicago. She completed her student teaching at the University of Chicago. She had eight children, four girls and four boys, sixteen grand children and four great-grand children. Alta was ordained a womandeacon in 2008 through Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, then was ordained womanpriest in 2009. |
Regina Nicolosi
Regina NicolosiPriest 2006
Regina Nicolosi, MA, was born in a small town on the Rhine River. She was a teacher in Germany. 1969 she came to the USA to marry the love of her life, Charles, a radiologist and deacon. Together they raised four children, one of them from Colombia and one from Korea. Regina participated fully in Charles’ preparation to the diaconate. She earned her Masters Degree in Pastoral Studies. Regina has worked as a housing manager for seniors, as a chaplain in a correctional facility for boys, in a drug and alcohol recovery unit and in a nursing home. She is retired now. She helps prepare women for ordination and celebrates Eucharist with Dignity and other small faith-communities. |
Mary Ann Schottley
Mary Ann SchottleyPriest 2009RIP 2014 |
Mary Ann Schottley held Masters Degrees in Theology, Administration and Supervision, and Biology. She was a life-long teacher – in high school classrooms, colleges, religious education programs (CCD, Confirmation, RCIA, Renew 2000), Stephen Ministry and retreat work. Mary Ann was the pastor of Sophia Inclusive Catholic Community in Sussex County, NJ, volunteered as a Spiritual Caregiver through the Chaplain’s Office at Newton Medical Center, led a group in Spirituality at Bridgeway Rehabilitation Services, visited patients in hospice care and facilitated a small faith-sharing community in her home. She held certificates in Pastoral Care and Spiritual Direction. Mary Ann lived in Northwest New Jersey. She was married for twenty-eight years, became single, and had three adult children and two delightful granddaughters. She remained active in CTA, VOTF and her local Catholic Communities. She died after a brief illness in 2014 and is missed by all. |
Catherine Shinn
Catherine ShinnPriest 2017RIP 2017 |
Catherine (Catie) Shinn was ordained deacon and priest in her hospice bed in Saint Louis, Missouri on Good Shepherd Sunday, May 7, 2017. A cancer survivor and a veteran who had never smoked and had dedicated her life to working for hard-earned benefits for veterans, she was dying of lung cancer. As we prepared to begin the ordination rite, a saxophone was playing in the next room. Catie said she had never heard music coming from next door before, so we took it as a gift, a good omen. And after Catie was ordained, and had broken the bread and given it to us, and had prayed spontaneously and then given us her first priestly blessing, we softly sang a fitting postlude for that graced and uninterrupted sacramental experience: Open my eyes, Lord, help me to see your face. Open my eyes, Lord, help me to see. Open my ears, Lord, help me to hear your voice. Open my ears, Lord, help me to hear. Open my heart, Lord, help me to love like you. Open my heart, Lord, help me to love. I live within you, deep in your heart, O Love. I live within you, rest now in me. [Jesse Manibusan] It was the song the mysteriously melancholy saxophone had been playing as our prelude. Catie was born into eternal life on August 1, 2017. |
Mary Styne
Mary StynePriest 2009RIP 2010 |
Mary Styne sometimes called herself “the real-estate lady” or “the candle-lady” but no title was more meaningful to her than that of priest – except mom, of course. Always the voice of social justice, this single mom raised four children, served the church that she so dearly loved and still found time to get a Masters of Divinity. Mary’s sense of justice and equality colored her every step. She courageously spent her life answering God’s call in many humble yet profound ways. By the time she entered into formation for the priesthood she had already answered some very difficult calls from God including the heartbreaking loss of her son, Scott DiSalvo, and a bout with lung cancer. In her own words she prayed on the occasion of her first Mass, “Creator God, bless me with discomfort at easy answers and superficial relationships, so that I will live deep within my heart. Redeemer God, bless me with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people, so that I will work for justice, equality and peace. Abiding Spirit, bless me with the courage to believe that I can actually make a difference.” With outspoken candor, Mary challenged her sister priests to live a life of integrity, honesty and compassion, always remembering to forgive those who ‘knew not what they did’. Mary was ordained to the transitional deaconate on November 1, 2008 and to the priesthood on August 16, 2009. On May 12, 2010 at age 70 she went home. |
Kathleen Nuccio - Cohasset
Support Member 2016
RIP March 19, 2023
Kathleen Nuccio is a support member for the Midwest Region.
Every Ministry and Worshipping Community convened by a RCWP member operates separately and independently from Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, Inc. RCWP-USA, Inc. disclaims any responsibility for the operation of these ministries. The biographical information and descriptions of the ministries are for informational purposes only. This website also contains links to third party sites. Such links do not constitute or imply an endorsement and/or sponsorship by RCWP-USA, Inc. RCWPUSA, Inc. is not responsible for such third party websites and is not liable for the contents therein.
For current news and articles related to the women’s ordination movement and renewal of the Catholic Church, please visit our Facebook, Twitter and Bridget Mary’s Blog. Bridget Mary’s Blog and the Association of Roman Catholic Womenpriests operate independently of Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, Inc. This third party blog is for informational purposes only. For semi-monthly news relating to the RCWP in Canada see RCWP Canada’s publication, The Review, at
This website was created and is maintained by Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, Inc. (RCWP-USA, Inc.), a California 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation, as an educational and informational service to the public. RCWP-USA, Inc. promotes and supports the ordination of women and men in a renewed priestly ministry in the Roman Catholic Church. This website provides information about RCWP worldwide, with special focus on RCWP in the USA. Every ministry convened by a RCWP member operates separately and independently from Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, Inc. RCWP-USA, Inc. disclaims any responsibility for the operation of these ministries. The biographical information and descriptions of the ministries are for informational purposes only. This website also contains links to third party sites. Such links do not constitute or imply an endorsement and/or sponsorship by RCWP-USA, Inc. RCWP-USA, Inc. is not responsible for such third party websites and is not liable for the contents therein.